please help me
Massimo Cesaro
Thu Dec 11 10:16:32 CET 2003
On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 08:44, Francesco Cesarini wrote:
> Is this a University course being given somewhere? I always smile
> whenever Trinity College in Dublin gives Erlang courses, as you see the
> referrer logs to my site include searches on solutions which are
> obviously related to excercises.
> Regards,
> Francesco
> --
Francesco, your mention of an Erlang course at a college triggered my
Both Samir and Banat before (I guess they are collegues), asked the
"syntax" for writing behaviours. Banat also asked how to implement some
design patterns like connector/acceptor, active object, reactor and
service control manager using Erlang.
Solving the syntax problem is easy: just take a look of the source code
of gen_server or another behaviour to see that writing behaviours is not
rocket science.
As for writing the well known patterns mentioned: they are all
documented and implemented in C++ in the open source ACE C++ toolkit
authored by D.C.Schmidt. I used to work with ACE for nearly all my
telecomm related projects because several communication building blocks
are there and they are portable as well. Then, this year I "discovered"
Erlang *and* OTP: I was amazed to see that not only in OTP all the
problems solved by the patterns in ACE have a solution. But usually the
way they are implemented in Erlang is several order of magnitude simpler
to understand and manage that the counterparts in C++, and usually even
richer in features (the distribution features spring to mind).
I think that comparing Erlang behaviours to C++ design patterns should
be done very carefully because of the differences in the underlying
conceptual model. Coming from a 10+ experience with C++, my biggest
problem when approaching Erlang/OTP was to change my mindset.
"Forgetting" about OO development and start "thinking" in Erlang.That
was the moment I become productive, and I realized the power in OTP.
I hope that the college teacher will be thinking in Erlang before asking
to the students what could be nothing more than an intellectual
> Samir Terawi wrote:
> > dear sir, madam
> > I need to learn how can I implement my own erlang behaviours.
> > I need to learn the""SYNTAX"" that I need, so I can complete my
> > graduated project.
> > samir terawi.
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