Out of space in dist table

Gerd Flaig gerd@REDACTED
Mon Dec 1 14:19:40 CET 2003

Gerd Flaig <gerd@REDACTED> writes:

> our production systems (running R8B) regularly deny access for new
> nodes and output the message 'Out of space in dist table'. I remember
> there has been a problem with dist table entries not being recycled,
> but I think that should be fixed in R8B.

to be exact: The problem existed in R8B-0 and was reportedly fixed in
R8B-2 (see OTP-4244).

       Goodbyte, Gerd.
Gerd Flaig                     Technik                gerd@REDACTED
Bei Schlund + Partner AG       Brauerstraße 48      D-76135 Karlsruhe
 Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results,
 but that's not why we do it. -- Richard Feynman

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