Erlang C & Excel

Peter H|gfeldt peter@REDACTED
Sat May 12 13:58:15 CEST 2001 is for the programming language Erlang. For traffic 
calculations, please try




Peter Högfeldt			e-mail  : peter@REDACTED
Open Telecom Platform
Ericsson Utvecklings AB
S-126 25 STOCKHOLM, Sweden

On Sat, 12 May 2001, Michael Withey wrote:

> I use an Erlang C calculation to assess Call Centre staff required on any given day.
> The team producing these figures currently use an Erlang calculator, which takes time to input figures and type the answers into an Excel Spreadsheet.
> Do you know where I can find an Excel formula download for Erlang C ? Do I use the GAMMADIST formula in Excel ?
> Also is Erlang C the most modern method used for estimating Call Centre traffic or are we a little out of date ?
> Best Regards,
> Mike (England)
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