exiting with badarg && Erlang Web server

Francesco Cesarini cesarini@REDACTED
Sun Jun 13 11:48:40 CEST 1999

The only bad arg I can see occur here (You unfortunately provided too
little of the code) is if you are attempting to send a message to a
registered process which does not exist. 

* Has chat_server been started, and has the process been registered? 
* If you have spawned a process, has it crashed? (These suckers tend to
die silently.) 

Check it out by using the BIF registered().

Eddie is the fault tollerant distributed web server. You can download it
from http://www.eddieware.org 


lyn wrote:
> I'm trying to diagnose an error message and I wonder if
> anything immediately jumps out at the experts.  here is the
> shell interaction:
> 55> chat_client:signup().
> ** exited: {badarg,{chat_client,signup,[]}} **
> =ERROR REPORT==== 12-Jun-1999::23:29:29 ===
> !!! Error in process <0.144.0> with exit value:
> {badarg,{chat_client,signup,[]}}
> I assume this means that chat_client doesn't contain a zero
> argument function called signup.  But chat_client.erl contains this:
> signup() ->
>     chat_server ! {sign_up, name(), self()},
>     receive {ok, Pid} ->
>         io:format("signup succeeded"),
>             chat_client_dispatch(name())
>     after 5 ->
>         failed
>     end.
> so where is this bad match occurring?
> thanks,
> -Lyn

Francesco Cesarini                Phone:    +46 8  719 56 97
                                  Fax:      +46 8  719 89 40
Erlang Systems                    Cellular: +46 70 563 04 36 
Torshamnsgatan 39 B
Box 1214                           http://www.ericsson.se/erlang
S-164 28 KISTA, SWEDEN             cesarini@REDACTED

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