exiting with badarg

lyn lyn@REDACTED
Sun Jun 13 06:32:02 CEST 1999

I'm trying to diagnose an error message and I wonder if
anything immediately jumps out at the experts.  here is the
shell interaction:

55> chat_client:signup(). 
** exited: {badarg,{chat_client,signup,[]}} **

=ERROR REPORT==== 12-Jun-1999::23:29:29 ===
!!! Error in process <0.144.0> with exit value: 

I assume this means that chat_client doesn't contain a zero
argument function called signup.  But chat_client.erl contains this:

signup() ->
    chat_server ! {sign_up, name(), self()},
    receive {ok, Pid} ->
        io:format("signup succeeded"),
    after 5 ->

so where is this bad match occurring?  


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