View Source wxStatusBar (wx v2.4.2)
Functions for wxStatusBar class
A status bar is a narrow window that can be placed along the bottom of a frame to give small amounts of status information. It can contain one or more fields, one or more of which can be variable length according to the size of the window.
also maintains an independent stack of status texts for each
field (see pushStatusText/3
and popStatusText/2
Note that in wxStatusBar
context, the terms pane
and field
are synonyms.
This class supports the following styles:
Remark: It is possible to create controls and other windows on the status bar. Position these windows from an OnSize() event handler.
Remark: Notice that only the first 127 characters of a string will be shown in status bar fields under Windows if a proper manifest indicating that the program uses version 6 of common controls library is not used. This is a limitation of the native control on these platforms.
See: wxStatusBarPane
(not implemented in wx), wxFrame
This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxWindow
wxWidgets docs: wxStatusBar
Creates the window, for two-step construction.
Returns the size and position of a field's internal bounding rectangle.
Returns the number of fields in the status bar.
Returns the string associated with a status bar field.
Default ctor.
Constructor, creating the window.
Restores the text to the value it had before the last call to
Saves the current field text in a per-field stack, and sets the field text to the string passed as argument.
Sets the number of fields, and optionally the field widths.
Sets the minimal possible height for the status bar.
Sets the styles of the fields in the status line which can make fields appear flat or raised instead of the standard sunken 3D border.
Sets the status text for the i-th
Sets the widths of the fields in the status line.
-type wxStatusBar() :: wx:wx_object().
-spec create(This, Parent) -> boolean() when This :: wxStatusBar(), Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow().
-spec create(This, Parent, [Option]) -> boolean() when This :: wxStatusBar(), Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Option :: {winid, integer()} | {style, integer()}.
Creates the window, for two-step construction.
See new/2
for details.
-spec destroy(This :: wxStatusBar()) -> ok.
-spec getFieldRect(This, I) -> Result when Result :: {Res :: boolean(), Rect :: {X :: integer(), Y :: integer(), W :: integer(), H :: integer()}}, This :: wxStatusBar(), I :: integer().
Returns the size and position of a field's internal bounding rectangle.
Return: true if the field index is valid, false otherwise.
See: {X,Y,W,H}
-spec getFieldsCount(This) -> integer() when This :: wxStatusBar().
Returns the number of fields in the status bar.
-spec getStatusText(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This :: wxStatusBar().
-spec getStatusText(This, [Option]) -> unicode:charlist() when This :: wxStatusBar(), Option :: {number, integer()}.
Returns the string associated with a status bar field.
Return: The status field string if the field is valid, otherwise the empty string.
See: setStatusText/3
-spec new() -> wxStatusBar().
Default ctor.
-spec new(Parent) -> wxStatusBar() when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow().
-spec new(Parent, [Option]) -> wxStatusBar() when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Option :: {winid, integer()} | {style, integer()}.
Constructor, creating the window.
See: create/3
-spec popStatusText(This) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar().
-spec popStatusText(This, [Option]) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Option :: {number, integer()}.
Restores the text to the value it had before the last call to
Notice that if setStatusText/3
had been called in the meanwhile,
will not change the text, i.e. it does not override explicit
changes to status text but only restores the saved text if it hadn't been
changed since.
See: pushStatusText/3
-spec pushStatusText(This, String) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), String :: unicode:chardata().
-spec pushStatusText(This, String, [Option]) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), String :: unicode:chardata(), Option :: {number, integer()}.
Saves the current field text in a per-field stack, and sets the field text to the string passed as argument.
See: popStatusText/2
-spec setFieldsCount(This, Number) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Number :: integer().
-spec setFieldsCount(This, Number, [Option]) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Number :: integer(), Option :: {widths, [integer()]}.
Sets the number of fields, and optionally the field widths.
-spec setMinHeight(This, Height) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Height :: integer().
Sets the minimal possible height for the status bar.
The real height may be bigger than the height specified here depending on the size of the font used by the status bar.
-spec setStatusStyles(This, Styles) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Styles :: [integer()].
Sets the styles of the fields in the status line which can make fields appear flat or raised instead of the standard sunken 3D border.
-spec setStatusText(This, Text) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Text :: unicode:chardata().
-spec setStatusText(This, Text, [Option]) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Text :: unicode:chardata(), Option :: {number, integer()}.
Sets the status text for the i-th
The given text will replace the current text. The display of the status bar is
updated immediately, so there is no need to call wxWindow:update/1
calling this function.
Note that if pushStatusText/3
had been called before the new text will also
replace the last saved value to make sure that the next call to
doesn't restore the old value, which was overwritten by the
call to this function.
-spec setStatusWidths(This, Widths_field) -> ok when This :: wxStatusBar(), Widths_field :: [integer()].
Sets the widths of the fields in the status line.
There are two types of fields: fixed
widths and variable
width fields. For
the fixed width fields you should specify their (constant) width in pixels. For
the variable width fields, specify a negative number which indicates how the
field should expand: the space left for all variable width fields is divided
between them according to the absolute value of this number. A variable width
field with width of -2 gets twice as much of it as a field with width -1 and so
For example, to create one fixed width field of width 100 in the right part of the status bar and two more fields which get 66% and 33% of the remaining space correspondingly, you should use an array containing -2, -1 and 100.
Remark: The widths of the variable fields are calculated from the total width of all fields, minus the sum of widths of the non-variable fields, divided by the number of variable fields.