argparse (stdlib v6.2.2)
View SourceCommand line arguments parser.
This module implements command line parser. Parser operates with commands and
arguments represented as a tree. Commands are branches, and arguments are
leaves of the tree. Parser always starts with the root command, named after
(the name of the program which started Erlang).
A command specification
may contain handler definition for
each command, and a number argument specifications. When parser is successful,
calls the matching handler, passing arguments extracted from the
command line. Arguments can be positional (occupying specific position in the
command line), and optional, residing anywhere but prefixed with a specified
automatically generates help and usage messages. It will also issue
errors when users give the program invalid arguments.
Quick start
is designed to work with escript
. The
example below is a fully functioning Erlang program accepting two command line
arguments and printing their product.
#!/usr/bin/env escript
main(Args) ->
argparse:run(Args, cli(), #{progname => mul}).
cli() ->
arguments => [
#{name => left, type => integer},
#{name => right, type => integer}
handler =>
fun (#{left := Left, right := Right}) ->
io:format("~b~n", [Left * Right])
Running this script with no arguments results in an error, accompanied by the usage information.
The cli
function defines a single command with embedded handler accepting a
map. Keys of the map are argument names as defined by the argument
field of
the command, left
and right
in the example. Values are taken from the
command line, and converted into integers, as requested by the type
specification. Both arguments in the example above are required (and therefore
defined as positional).
Command hierarchy
A command may contain nested commands, forming a hierarchy. Arguments defined at
the upper level command are automatically added to all nested commands. Nested
commands example (assuming progname
is nested
cli() ->
%% top level argument applicable to all commands
arguments => [#{name => top}],
commands => #{
"first" => #{
%% argument applicable to "first" command and
%% all commands nested into "first"
arguments => [#{name => mid}],
commands => #{
"second" => #{
%% argument only applicable for "second" command
arguments => [#{name => bottom}],
handler => fun (A) -> io:format("~p~n", [A]) end
In the example above, a 3-level hierarchy is defined. First is the script itself
), accepting the only argument top
. Since it has no associated
handler, run/3
will not accept user input omitting nested command selection.
For this example, user has to supply 5 arguments in the command line, two being
command names, and another 3 - required positional arguments:
./nested.erl one first second two three
#{top => "one",mid => "two",bottom => "three"}
Commands have preference over positional argument values. In the example above,
commands and positional arguments are interleaving, and argparse
command name first.
supports positional and optional arguments. Optional arguments, or
options for short, must be prefixed with a special character (-
is the default
on all operating systems). Both options and positional arguments have 1 or more
associated values. See argument specification
to find more
details about supported combinations.
In the user input, short options may be concatenated with their values. Long
options support values separated by =
. Consider this definition:
cli() ->
arguments => [
#{name => long, long => "-long"},
#{name => short, short => $s}
handler => fun (Args) -> io:format("~p~n", [Args]) end
Running ./args --long=VALUE
prints #{long => "VALUE"}
, running
./args -sVALUE
prints #{short => "VALUE"}
supports boolean flags concatenation: it is possible to shorten
-r -f -v
to -rfv
Shortened option names are not supported: it is not possible to use --my-argum
instead of --my-argument-name
even when such option can be unambiguously
Arguments map is the map of argument names to the values extracted from the command line. It is passed to the matching command handler. If an argument is omitted, but has the default value is specified, it is added to the map. When no default value specified, and argument is not present in the command line, corresponding key is not present in the resulting map.
Defines type conversion applied to the string retrieved from the user input. If
the conversion is successful, resulting value is validated using optional
, or minimums and maximums (for integer and floating point values
only). Strings and binary values may be validated using regular expressions.
It's possible to define custom type conversion function, accepting a string and
returning Erlang term. If this function raises error with badarg
argument is treated as invalid.
Argument specification. Defines a single named argument that is returned in the
argument map
. The only required field is name
, all other
fields have defaults.
User-defined help template to print in the command usage. First element of a
tuple must be a string. It is printed as a part of the usage header. Second
element of the tuple can be either a list containing strings, type
atoms, or a user-defined function that must return a string. A plain
string should be wrapped as a list such as ["string is nested"]
Argument name is used to populate argument map.
Path to the nested command. First element is always the progname
, subsequent
elements are nested command names.
Command specification. May contain nested commands, forming a hierarchy.
User-defined help template. Use this option to mix custom and predefined usage text. Help template may contain unicode strings, and following atoms
Returned from parse/2,3
. Contains arguments extracted from the
command line, path to the nested command (if any), and a (potentially nested)
command specification that was considered when the parser finished successfully.
It is expected that the command contains a handler definition, that will be
called passing the argument map.
Returned from parse/2,3
when the user input cannot be parsed
according to the command specification.
Options changing parser behaviour.
Generates human-readable text for parser error
. Does not
include help/usage information, and does not provide localisation.
Equivalent to help/2
Generates help/usage information text for the command supplied, or any nested
command when command
option is specified. Arguments are displayed in the same
order as specified in Command
. Does not provide localisation. Expects
to be set, otherwise defaults to return value of
Equivalent to parse/3
Parses command line arguments according to the command specification. Raises an
exception if the command specification is not valid. Use
to see a
friendlier message. Invalid command line input does not raise an exception, but
makes parse/2,3
to return a tuple
{error, parser_error()}
Parses command line arguments and calls the matching command handler. Prints human-readable error, help/usage information for the discovered command, and halts the emulator with code 1 if there is any error in the command specification or user-provided command line input.
-type arg_map() :: #{argument_name() => term()}.
Arguments map is the map of argument names to the values extracted from the command line. It is passed to the matching command handler. If an argument is omitted, but has the default value is specified, it is added to the map. When no default value specified, and argument is not present in the command line, corresponding key is not present in the resulting map.
-type arg_type() :: boolean | float | {float, Choice :: [float()]} | {float, [{min, float()} | {max, float()}]} | integer | {integer, Choices :: [integer()]} | {integer, [{min, integer()} | {max, integer()}]} | string | {string, Choices :: [string()]} | {string, Re :: string()} | {string, Re :: string(), ReOptions :: [term()]} | binary | {binary, Choices :: [binary()]} | {binary, Re :: binary()} | {binary, Re :: binary(), ReOptions :: [term()]} | atom | {atom, Choices :: [atom()]} | {atom, unsafe} | {custom, fun((string()) -> term())}.
Defines type conversion applied to the string retrieved from the user input. If
the conversion is successful, resulting value is validated using optional
, or minimums and maximums (for integer and floating point values
only). Strings and binary values may be validated using regular expressions.
It's possible to define custom type conversion function, accepting a string and
returning Erlang term. If this function raises error with badarg
argument is treated as invalid.
-type argument() :: #{name := argument_name(), short => char(), long => string(), required => boolean(), default => term(), type => arg_type(), action => store | {store, term()} | append | {append, term()} | count | extend, nargs => pos_integer() | 'maybe' | {'maybe', term()} | list | nonempty_list | all, help => hidden | unicode:chardata() | argument_help()}.
Argument specification. Defines a single named argument that is returned in the
argument map
. The only required field is name
, all other
fields have defaults.
If either of the short
or long
fields is specified, the argument is treated
as optional. Optional arguments do not have specific order and may appear
anywhere in the command line. Positional arguments are ordered the same way as
they appear in the arguments list of the command specification.
By default, all positional arguments must be present in the command line. The parser will return an error otherwise. Options, however, may be omitted, in which case resulting argument map will either contain the default value, or not have the key at all.
- Sets the argument name in the parsed argument map. Ifhelp
is not defined, name is also used to generate the default usage message.short
- Defines a short (single character) form of an optional argument.%% Define a command accepting argument named myarg, with short form $a: 1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => myarg, short => $a}]}. %% Parse command line "-a str": 2> {ok, ArgMap, _, _} = argparse:parse(["-a", "str"], Cmd), ArgMap. #{myarg => "str"} %% Option value can be concatenated with the switch: "-astr" 3> {ok, ArgMap, _, _} = argparse:parse(["-astr"], Cmd), ArgMap. #{myarg => "str"}
By default all options expect a single value following the option switch. The only exception is an option of a boolean type.
- Defines a long form of an optional argument.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => myarg, long => "name"}]}. %% Parse command line "-name Erlang": 2> {ok, ArgMap, _, _} = argparse:parse(["-name", "Erlang"], Cmd), ArgMap. #{myarg => "Erlang"} %% Or use "=" to separate the switch and the value: 3> {ok, ArgMap, _, _} = argparse:parse(["-name=Erlang"], Cmd), ArgMap. #{myarg => "Erlang"}
If neither
is defined, the argument is treated as positional.required
- Forces the parser to expect the argument to be present in the command line. By default, all positional argument are required, and all options are not.default
- Specifies the default value to put in the parsed argument map if the value is not supplied in the command line.1> argparse:parse([], #{arguments => [#{name => myarg, short => $m}]}). {ok,#{}, ... 2> argparse:parse([], #{arguments => [#{name => myarg, short => $m, default => "def"}]}). {ok,#{myarg => "def"}, ...
- Defines type conversion and validation routine. The default isstring
, assuming no conversion.nargs
- Defines the number of following arguments to consume from the command line. By default, the parser consumes the next argument and converts it into an Erlang term according to the specified type.pos_integer/0
- Consume exactly this number of positional arguments, fail if there is not enough. Value in the argument map contains a list of exactly this length. Example, defining a positional argument expecting 3 integer values:1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => ints, type => integer, nargs => 3}]}, argparse:parse(["1", "2", "3"], Cmd). {ok, #{ints => [1, 2, 3]}, ...
Another example defining an option accepted as
and expecting two string arguments:1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => env, long => "env", nargs => 2}]}, argparse:parse(["-env", "key", "value"], Cmd). {ok, #{env => ["key", "value"]}, ...
- Consume all following arguments until hitting the next option (starting with an option prefix). May result in an empty list added to the arguments map.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [ #{name => nodes, long => "nodes", nargs => list}, #{name => verbose, short => $v, type => boolean} ]}, argparse:parse(["-nodes", "one", "two", "-v"], Cmd). {ok, #{nodes => ["one", "two"], verbose => true}, ...
- Same aslist
, but expects at least one argument. Returns an error if the following command line argument is an option switch (starting with the prefix).'maybe'
- Consumes the next argument from the command line, if it does not start with an option prefix. Otherwise, adds a default value to the arguments map.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [ #{name => level, short => $l, nargs => 'maybe', default => "error"}, #{name => verbose, short => $v, type => boolean} ]}, argparse:parse(["-l", "info", "-v"], Cmd). {ok,#{level => "info",verbose => true}, ... %% When "info" is omitted, argument maps receives the default "error" 2> argparse:parse(["-l", "-v"], Cmd). {ok,#{level => "error",verbose => true}, ...
{'maybe', term()}
- Consumes the next argument from the command line, if it does not start with an option prefix. Otherwise, adds a specified Erlang term to the arguments map.all
- Fold all remaining command line arguments into a list, ignoring any option prefixes or switches. Useful for proxying arguments into another command line utility.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [ #{name => verbose, short => $v, type => boolean}, #{name => raw, long => "-", nargs => all} ]}, argparse:parse(["-v", "--", "-kernel", "arg", "opt"], Cmd). {ok,#{raw => ["-kernel","arg","opt"],verbose => true}, ...
- Defines an action to take when the argument is found in the command line. The default action isstore
- Store the value in the arguments map. Overwrites the value previously written.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => str, short => $s}]}, argparse:parse(["-s", "one", "-s", "two"], Cmd). {ok, #{str => "two"}, ...
{store, term()}
- Stores the specified term instead of reading the value from the command line.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => str, short => $s, action => {store, "two"}}]}, argparse:parse(["-s"], Cmd). {ok, #{str => "two"}, ...
- Appends the repeating occurrences of the argument instead of overwriting.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => node, short => $n, action => append}]}, argparse:parse(["-n", "one", "-n", "two", "-n", "three"], Cmd). {ok, #{node => ["one", "two", "three"]}, ... %% Always produces a list - even if there is one occurrence 2> argparse:parse(["-n", "one"], Cmd). {ok, #{node => ["one"]}, ...
{append, term()}
- Same asappend
, but instead of consuming the argument from the command line, appends a providedterm/0
- Puts a counter as a value in the arguments map. Useful for implementing verbosity option:1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => verbose, short => $v, action => count}]}, argparse:parse(["-v"], Cmd). {ok, #{verbose => 1}, ... 2> argparse:parse(["-vvvv"], Cmd). {ok, #{verbose => 4}, ...
- Works asappend
, but flattens the resulting list. Valid only fornargs
set tolist
.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => duet, short => $d, nargs => 2, action => extend}]}, argparse:parse(["-d", "a", "b", "-d", "c", "d"], Cmd). {ok, #{duet => ["a", "b", "c", "d"]}, ... %% 'append' would result in {ok, #{duet => [["a", "b"],["c", "d"]]},
- Specifies help/usage text for the argument.argparse
provides automatic generation based on the argument name, type and default value, but for better usability it is recommended to have a proper description. Setting this field tohidden
suppresses usage output for this argument.
-type argument_help() :: {unicode:chardata(), [unicode:chardata() | type | default] | fun(() -> unicode:chardata())}.
User-defined help template to print in the command usage. First element of a
tuple must be a string. It is printed as a part of the usage header. Second
element of the tuple can be either a list containing strings, type
atoms, or a user-defined function that must return a string. A plain
string should be wrapped as a list such as ["string is nested"]
Argument name is used to populate argument map.
-type cmd_path() :: [string()].
Path to the nested command. First element is always the progname
, subsequent
elements are nested command names.
-type command() :: #{commands => #{string() => command()}, arguments => [argument()], help => hidden | unicode:chardata() | command_help(), handler => handler()}.
Command specification. May contain nested commands, forming a hierarchy.
- Maps of nested commands. Keys must be strings, matching command line input. Basic utilities do not need to specify any nested commands.arguments
- List of arguments accepted by this command, and all nested commands in the
- Specifies help/usage text for this command. Passhidden
to remove this command from the usage output.handler
- Specifies a callback function to call byrun/3
when the parser is successful.
-type command_help() :: [unicode:chardata() | usage | commands | arguments | options].
User-defined help template. Use this option to mix custom and predefined usage text. Help template may contain unicode strings, and following atoms:
usage - Formatted command line usage text, e.g.
rm [-rf] <directory>
.commands - Expanded list of sub-commands.
arguments - Detailed description of positional arguments.
options - Detailed description of optional arguments.
-type handler() :: optional | fun((arg_map()) -> term()) | {module(), Fn :: atom()} | {fun(() -> term()), term()} | {module(), atom(), term()}.
Command handler specification. Called by run/3
upon successful
parser return.
fun((arg_map()) -> term())
- Function acceptingargument map
. See the basic example in the Quick Start section.{Module :: module(), Function :: atom()}
- Function namedFunction
, exported fromModule
, acceptingargument map
.{fun(() -> term()), Default :: term()}
- Function accepting as many arguments as there are in thearguments
list for this command. Arguments missing from the parsed map are replaced with theDefault
. Convenient way to expose existing functions.1> Cmd = #{arguments => [ #{name => x, type => float}, #{name => y, type => float, short => $p}], handler => {fun math:pow/2, 1}}, argparse:run(["2", "-p", "3"], Cmd, #{}). 8.0 %% default term 1 is passed to math:pow/2 2> argparse:run(["2"], Cmd, #{}). 2.0
{Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Default :: term()}
- Function namedFunction
, exported fromModule
, accepting as many arguments as defined for this command. Arguments missing from the parsed map are replaced with theDefault
. Effectively, just a different syntax to the same functionality as demonstrated in the code above.
-type parse_result() :: {ok, arg_map(), Path :: cmd_path(), command()} | {error, parser_error()}.
Returned from parse/2,3
. Contains arguments extracted from the
command line, path to the nested command (if any), and a (potentially nested)
command specification that was considered when the parser finished successfully.
It is expected that the command contains a handler definition, that will be
called passing the argument map.
-type parser_error() :: {Path :: cmd_path(), Expected :: argument() | undefined, Actual :: string() | undefined, Details :: unicode:chardata()}.
Returned from parse/2,3
when the user input cannot be parsed
according to the command specification.
First element is the path to the command that was considered when the parser
detected an error. Second element, Expected
, is the argument specification
that caused an error. It could be undefined
, meaning that Actual
had no corresponding specification in the arguments list for the current
When Actual
is set to undefined
, it means that a required argument is
missing from the command line. If both Expected
and Actual
have values, it
means validation error.
Use format_error/1
to generate a human-readable error description, unless
there is a need to provide localised error messages.
-type parser_options() :: #{prefixes => [char()], default => term(), progname => string() | atom(), command => cmd_path(), columns => pos_integer()}.
Options changing parser behaviour.
- Changes the option prefix (the default is-
- Specifies the default value for all optional arguments. When this field is set, resulting argument map will contain all argument names. Useful for easy pattern matching on the argument map in the handler function.progname
- Specifies the program (root command) name. Returned as the first element of the command path, and printed in help/usage text. It is recommended to have this value set, otherwise the default one is determined withinit:get_argument(progname)
and is often set toerl
instead of the actual script name.command
- Specifies the path to the nested command forhelp/2
. Useful to limit output for complex utilities with multiple commands, and used by the default error handling logic.columns
- Specifies the help/usage text width (characters) forhelp/2
. Default value is 80.
-spec format_error(Reason :: parser_error()) -> unicode:chardata().
Generates human-readable text for parser error
. Does not
include help/usage information, and does not provide localisation.
Equivalent to help/2
-spec help(command(), parser_options()) -> unicode:chardata().
Generates help/usage information text for the command supplied, or any nested
command when command
option is specified. Arguments are displayed in the same
order as specified in Command
. Does not provide localisation. Expects
to be set, otherwise defaults to return value of
-spec parse(Args :: [string()], command()) -> parse_result().
Equivalent to parse/3
-spec parse(Args :: [string()], command(), Options :: parser_options()) -> parse_result().
Parses command line arguments according to the command specification. Raises an
exception if the command specification is not valid. Use
to see a
friendlier message. Invalid command line input does not raise an exception, but
makes parse/2,3
to return a tuple
{error, parser_error()}
This function does not call command handler.
-spec run(Args :: [string()], command(), parser_options()) -> term().
Parses command line arguments and calls the matching command handler. Prints human-readable error, help/usage information for the discovered command, and halts the emulator with code 1 if there is any error in the command specification or user-provided command line input.
This function is designed to work as an entry point to a standalone
. Therefore, it halts the emulator for any
error detected. Do not use this function through remote procedure call, or it
may result in an unexpected shutdown of a remote node.