snmpa (snmp v5.18.1)

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Interface Functions to the SNMP toolkit agent

The module snmpa contains interface functions to the SNMP agent.



This function can be used to add an AGENT-CAPABILITY statement to the sysORTable in the agent. The table is defined in the SNMPv2-MIB.

Equivalent to backup/2.

Backup persistent/permanent data handled by the agent (such as local-db, mib-data and vacm).

Changes the log size of the Audit Trail Log. The application must be configured to use the audit trail log function. Please refer to disk_log(3) in Kernel Reference Manual for a description of how to change the log size.

This off-line utility function can be used to convert the old snmp application config (pre snmp-4.0) to the new snmp agent config (as of snmp-4.0).

Get the address of the request currently being processed by the agent.

Get the community of the request currently being processed by the agent.

Get the context of the request currently being processed by the agent.

Get the request-id of the request currently being processed by the agent.

This function can be used to delete an AGENT-CAPABILITY statement to the sysORTable in the agent. This table is defined in the SNMPv2-MIB.

Disable the mib server cache.

Disable automatic gc of the mib server cache.

Equivalent to discovery/6.

Equivalent to discovery/6.

Initiate the discovery process with the manager identified by TargetName using the notification Notification.

Enable the mib server cache.

Enable automatic gc of the mib server cache.

Converts the symbolic value Enum to the corresponding integer of the enumerated object or type Name in a MIB. The MIB must be loaded.

Perform mib server cache gc.

Equivalent to get/3.

Performs a GET operation on the agent. All loaded MIB objects are visible in this operation. The agent calls the corresponding instrumentation functions just as if it was a GET request coming from a manager.

Returns all AGENT-CAPABILITY statements in the sysORTable in the agent. This table is defined in the SNMPv2-MIB.

Performs a GET-NEXT operation on the agent. All loaded MIB objects are visible in this operation. The agent calls the corresponding instrumentation functions just as if it was a GET request coming from a manager.

Equivalent to info/1.

Returns a list (a dictionary) containing information about the agent. Information includes loaded MIBs, registered sub-agents, some information about the memory allocation.

Converts the integer Int to the corresponding symbolic value of the enumerated object or type Name in a MIB. The MIB must be loaded.

Invalidate the mib server cache.

Equivalent to load_mib/2.

Load a single Mib into an agent. The MibName is the name of the Mib, including the path to where the compiled mib is found. For example

Equivalent to load_mibs/3.

Equivalent to load_mibs/3.

Load Mibs into an agent. If the agent cannot load all MIBs (the default value of the Force argument is false), it will indicate where loading was aborted. The MibName is the name of the Mib, including the path to where the compiled mib is found. For example,

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.

Converts an Audit Trail Log to a readable format and prints it on stdio. LogName defaults to "snmpa_log". LogFile defaults to "snmpa.log".

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.

Converts an Audit Trail Log to a readable text file. OutFile defaults to "./snmpa_log.txt". LogName defaults to "snmpa_log". LogFile defaults to "snmpa.log".

Equivalent to me_of/2.

Finds the mib entry corresponding to the Oid.

Equivalent to mib_of/2.

Finds the mib corresponding to the Oid.

Looks up the OBJECT IDENTIFIER of a MIB object, given the symbolic name. Note, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER is given for the object, not for an instance.

Looks up the symbolic name of a MIB object, given OBJECT IDENTIFIER.

Prints the content of all the (snmp) tables and variables for all mibs handled by the snmp agent.

Prints the content of all the (snmp) tables for all mibs handled by the snmp agent.

Prints the content of all the (snmp) variables for all mibs handled by the snmp agent.

Accepted type specifications are

Registers a sub-agent under a sub-tree of another agent.

Restart the set worker process of a multi-threaded agent.

Restart the worker process of a multi-threaded agent.

Send the notification Notification to the management targets defined for notify-name (name) in the snmpNotifyTable in SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB from the specified context.

Sends the notification Notification to the management targets defined for NotifyName in the snmpNotifyTable in SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB from the specified context.

Changes the run-time Audit Trail log type.

Changes the request limit.

Equivalent to unload_mib/2.

Unload a single Mib from an agent.

Equivalent to unload_mibs/3.

Unload Mibs from an agent. If it cannot unload all MIBs (the default value of the Force argument is false), it will indicate where unloading was aborted.

Unregister a notification filter.

Unregister a sub-agent. If the second argument is a pid, then that sub-agent will be unregistered from all trees in Agent.

Change the mib server cache age property.

Change the mib server cache gclimit property.

Sets 'verbosity' for the indicated process(s)

Get the full path to the (compiled) mib-file.

Retrieve all alias-names known to the agent.

Equivalent to which_mibs/1.

Retrieve the list of all the mibs loaded into this agent. Default is the master agent.

Retrieve the size of the mib server cache.

List all notification filters in an agent.

Retrieve all notifications (and traps) known to the agent.

Retrieve all tables known to the agent.

Retrieve all configured transports.

Retrieve all variables known to the agent.



-type db() :: volatile | persistent | mnesia.


-type discovery_handler() :: module().

Module implementing the snmpa_discovery_handler behaviour.


-type me() :: snmp:me().


-type mib_storage() :: [mib_storage_opt()].


-type mib_storage_module() :: atom().


-type mib_storage_opt() :: {module, mib_storage_module()} | {options, mib_storage_options()}.


-type mib_storage_options() :: list().


-type name() :: table_name() | variable_name().


-type name_db() :: {name(), db()}.


-type nfilter_id() :: term().


-type nfilter_position() :: first | last | {insert_before, nfilter_id()} | {insert_after, nfilter_id()}.


How shall (notification) delivery info be reported.


-type pdu_type() :: snmp:pdu_type().


-type table_name() :: atom().


-type transport_kind() :: req_responder | trap_sender.


-type variable_name() :: atom().


add_agent_caps(Oid, Descr)

-spec add_agent_caps(Oid, Descr) -> Index when Oid :: snmp:oid(), Descr :: string(), Index :: integer().

This function can be used to add an AGENT-CAPABILITY statement to the sysORTable in the agent. The table is defined in the SNMPv2-MIB.


-spec backup(BackupDir) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                when BackupDir :: string(), Reason :: backup_in_progress | term().

Equivalent to backup/2.

backup(Agent, BackupDir)

-spec backup(Agent, BackupDir) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                    Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                    AgentName :: atom(),
                    BackupDir :: string(),
                    Reason :: backup_in_progress | term().

Backup persistent/permanent data handled by the agent (such as local-db, mib-data and vacm).

Data stored by mnesia is not handled.

BackupDir cannot be identical to DbDir.

Simultaneous backup calls are not allowed. That is, two different processes cannot simultaneously successfully call this function. One of them will be first, and succeed. The second will fail with the error reason backup_in_progress.


-spec change_log_size(NewSize) -> ok | {error, Reason} when NewSize :: snmp:log_size(), Reason :: term().

Changes the log size of the Audit Trail Log. The application must be configured to use the audit trail log function. Please refer to disk_log(3) in Kernel Reference Manual for a description of how to change the log size.

The change is permanent, as long as the log is not deleted. That means, the log size is remembered across reboots.


-spec convert_config(OldConfig) -> NewConfig when OldConfig :: list(), NewConfig :: list().

This off-line utility function can be used to convert the old snmp application config (pre snmp-4.0) to the new snmp agent config (as of snmp-4.0).

For information about the old config (OldConfig) see the OTP R9C documentation.

For information about the current agent config (AgentConfig), see the Configuring the application chapter of the SNMP user's guide.


-spec current_address() -> {value, Address} | false when Address :: term().

Get the address of the request currently being processed by the agent.

Note that this function is intended to be called by the instrumentation functions and only if it is executed in the context of the agent process (e.g. it does not work if called from a spawned process).


-spec current_community() -> {value, Community} | false when Community :: snmp_community_mib:name().

Get the community of the request currently being processed by the agent.

Note that this function is intended to be called by the instrumentation functions and only if it is executed in the context of the agent process (e.g. it does not work if called from a spawned process).


-spec current_context() -> {value, Context} | false when Context :: snmp_community_mib:context_name().

Get the context of the request currently being processed by the agent.

Note that this function is intended to be called by the instrumentation functions and only if it is executed in the context of the agent process (e.g. it does not work if called from a spawned process).


-spec current_request_id() -> {value, RequestId} | false when RequestId :: integer().

Get the request-id of the request currently being processed by the agent.

Note that this function is intended to be called by the instrumentation functions and only if it is executed in the context of the agent process (e.g. it does not work if called from a spawned process).


-spec del_agent_caps(Index) -> snmp:void() when Index :: integer().

This function can be used to delete an AGENT-CAPABILITY statement to the sysORTable in the agent. This table is defined in the SNMPv2-MIB.


-spec disable_mibs_cache() -> snmp:void().

Equivalent to disable_mibs_cache/1.


-spec disable_mibs_cache(Agent) -> snmp:void() when Agent :: pid() | AgentName, AgentName :: atom().

Disable the mib server cache.


-spec disable_mibs_cache_autogc() -> snmp:void().

Equivalent to disable_mibs_cache_autogc/1.


-spec disable_mibs_cache_autogc(Agent) -> snmp:void()
                                   when Agent :: pid() | AgentName, AgentName :: atom().

Disable automatic gc of the mib server cache.

discovery(TargetName, Notification)

-spec discovery(TargetName, Notification) -> {ok, ManagerEngineID} | {error, Reason}
                       TargetName :: string(),
                       Notification :: atom(),
                       ManagerEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to discovery/6.


-spec discovery(TargetName, Notification, Varbinds) -> {ok, ManagerEngineID} | {error, Reason}
                       TargetName :: string(),
                       Notification :: atom(),
                       Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                       Varbind ::
                           {Variable :: atom(), Value} |
                           {OID :: snmp:oid(), Value} |
                           {Column :: atom(), RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(), Value},
                       Value :: term(),
                       ManagerEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id(),
                       Reason :: term();
               (TargetName, Notification, ContextName) -> {ok, ManagerEngineID} | {error, Reason}
                       TargetName :: string(),
                       Notification :: atom(),
                       ContextName :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                       ManagerEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to discovery/6.


-spec discovery(TargetName, Notification, ContextName, Varbinds) ->
                   {ok, ManagerEngineID} | {error, Reason}
                       TargetName :: string(),
                       Notification :: atom(),
                       ContextName :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                       Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                       Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {OID, Value},
                       Variable :: atom(),
                       Column :: atom(),
                       RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                       OID :: snmp:oid(),
                       Value :: term(),
                       ManagerEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id(),
                       Reason :: term();
               (TargetName, Notification, Varbinds, DiscoHandler) ->
                   {ok, ManagerEngineID} | {error, Reason}
                       TargetName :: string(),
                       Notification :: atom(),
                       Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                       Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {OID, Value},
                       Variable :: atom(),
                       Column :: atom(),
                       RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                       OID :: snmp:oid(),
                       Value :: term(),
                       DiscoHandler :: discovery_handler(),
                       ManagerEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to discovery/6.

discovery(TargetName, Notification, ContextName, Varbinds, DiscoHandler)

-spec discovery(TargetName, Notification, ContextName, Varbinds, DiscoHandler) ->
                   {ok, ManagerEngineID} | {error, Reason}
                       TargetName :: string(),
                       Notification :: atom(),
                       ContextName :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                       Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                       Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {OID, Value},
                       Variable :: atom(),
                       Column :: atom(),
                       RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                       OID :: snmp:oid(),
                       Value :: term(),
                       DiscoHandler :: discovery_handler(),
                       ManagerEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to discovery/6.

discovery(TargetName, Notification, ContextName, Varbinds, DiscoHandler, ExtraInfo)

-spec discovery(TargetName, Notification, ContextName, Varbinds, DiscoHandler, ExtraInfo) ->
                   {ok, ManagerEngineID} | {error, Reason}
                       TargetName :: string(),
                       Notification :: atom(),
                       ContextName :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                       Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                       Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {OID, Value},
                       Variable :: atom(),
                       Column :: atom(),
                       RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                       OID :: snmp:oid(),
                       Value :: term(),
                       DiscoHandler :: discovery_handler(),
                       ExtraInfo :: term(),
                       ManagerEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id(),
                       Reason :: term().

Initiate the discovery process with the manager identified by TargetName using the notification Notification.

This function is synchronous, which means that it will return when the discovery process has been completed or failed.

The DiscoHandler module is used during the discovery process. See discovery handler for more info.

The ExtraInfo argument is passed on to the callback functions of the DiscoHandler.


If we are not at security-level noAuthNoPriv, this could be complicated, since the agent will then continue with stage 2, before which the usm-related updates must be done.


The default discovery handler will require additional actions by the caller and the discovery will not work if the security-level is higher then noAuthNoPriv.


-spec enable_mibs_cache() -> snmp:void().

Equivalent to enable_mibs_cache/1.


-spec enable_mibs_cache(Agent) -> snmp:void() when Agent :: pid() | AgentName, AgentName :: atom().

Enable the mib server cache.


-spec enable_mibs_cache_autogc() -> snmp:void().

Equivalent to enable_mibs_cache_autogc/1.


-spec enable_mibs_cache_autogc(Agent) -> snmp:void()
                                  when Agent :: pid() | AgentName, AgentName :: atom().

Enable automatic gc of the mib server cache.

enum_to_int(Name, Enum)

-spec enum_to_int(Name, Enum) -> {value, Int} | false
                     when Name :: atom(), Enum :: atom(), Int :: integer().

Equivalent to enum_to_int/3.

enum_to_int(Db, Name, Enum)

-spec enum_to_int(Db, Name, Enum) -> {value, Int} | false
                     when Db :: term(), Name :: atom(), Enum :: atom(), Int :: integer().

Converts the symbolic value Enum to the corresponding integer of the enumerated object or type Name in a MIB. The MIB must be loaded.

false is returned if the object or type is not defined in any loaded MIB, or if it does not define the symbolic value as enumerated.

Db is a reference to the symbolic store database (retrieved by a call to get_symbolic_store_db/0).


-spec gc_mibs_cache() -> {ok, NumElementsGCed} | {error, Reason}
                       when NumElementsGCed :: non_neg_integer(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to gc_mibs_cache/3.


-spec gc_mibs_cache(Agent) -> {ok, NumElementsGCed} | {error, Reason}
                           Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                           AgentName :: atom(),
                           NumElementsGCed :: non_neg_integer(),
                           Reason :: term();
                   (Age) -> {ok, NumElementsGCed} | {error, Reason}
                       when Age :: pos_integer(), NumElementsGCed :: non_neg_integer(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to gc_mibs_cache/3.


-spec gc_mibs_cache(Agent, Age) -> {ok, NumElementsGCed} | {error, Reason}
                           Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                           AgentName :: atom(),
                           Age :: pos_integer(),
                           NumElementsGCed :: non_neg_integer(),
                           Reason :: term();
                   (Age, GcLimit) -> {ok, NumElementsGCed} | {error, Reason}
                           Age :: pos_integer(),
                           GcLimit :: pos_integer() | infinity,
                           NumElementsGCed :: non_neg_integer(),
                           Reason :: term().

Equivalent to gc_mibs_cache/3.

gc_mibs_cache(Agent, Age, GcLimit)

-spec gc_mibs_cache(Agent, Age, GcLimit) -> {ok, NumElementsGCed} | {error, Reason}
                           Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                           AgentName :: atom(),
                           Age :: pos_integer(),
                           GcLimit :: pos_integer() | infinity,
                           NumElementsGCed :: non_neg_integer(),
                           Reason :: term().

Perform mib server cache gc.

Manually performs a mib server cache gc. This can be done regardless of the value of the autogc option. The NumElementsGCed value indicates how many elements where actually removed from the cache.

get(Agent, Vars)

-spec get(Agent, Vars) -> Values | {error, Reason}
                 Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                 AgentName :: atom(),
                 Vars :: [snmp:oid()],
                 Values :: [term()],
                 Reason :: term().

Equivalent to get/3.

get(Agent, Vars, Context)

-spec get(Agent, Vars, Context) -> Values | {error, Reason}
                 Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                 AgentName :: atom(),
                 Vars :: [snmp:oid()],
                 Context :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                 Values :: [term()],
                 Reason :: term().

Performs a GET operation on the agent. All loaded MIB objects are visible in this operation. The agent calls the corresponding instrumentation functions just as if it was a GET request coming from a manager.

Note that the request specific parameters (such as current_request_id/0) are not accessible for the instrumentation functions if this function is used.


-spec get_agent_caps() -> Caps
                            Caps :: [[Cap]],
                            Cap :: SysORIndex | SysORID | SysORDescr | SysORUpTime,
                            SysORIndex :: integer(),
                            SysORID :: snmp:oid(),
                            SysORDescr :: string(),
                            SysORUpTime :: integer().

Returns all AGENT-CAPABILITY statements in the sysORTable in the agent. This table is defined in the SNMPv2-MIB.

Note that the Erlang type language do not permit us to properly describe what this function returns. The exact return is:

[[SysORIndex, SysORID, SysORDescr, SysORUpTime]]

get_next(Agent, Vars)

-spec get_next(Agent, Vars) -> Values | {error, Reason}
                      Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                      AgentName :: atom(),
                      Vars :: [snmp:oid()],
                      Values :: [{snmp:oid(), term()}],
                      Reason :: term().

Equivalent to get_next/3.

get_next(Agent, Vars, Context)

-spec get_next(Agent, Vars, Context) -> Values | {error, Reason}
                      Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                      AgentName :: atom(),
                      Vars :: [snmp:oid()],
                      Context :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                      Values :: [{snmp:oid(), term()}],
                      Reason :: {atom(), snmp:oid()}.

Performs a GET-NEXT operation on the agent. All loaded MIB objects are visible in this operation. The agent calls the corresponding instrumentation functions just as if it was a GET request coming from a manager.

Note that the request specific parameters (such as snmpa:current_request_id/0 are not accessible for the instrumentation functions if this function is used.


-spec info() -> Info when Info :: [{Key, Value}], Key :: term(), Value :: term().

Equivalent to info/1.


-spec info(Agent) -> Info
                  Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                  AgentName :: atom(),
                  Info :: [{Key, Value}],
                  Key :: term(),
                  Value :: term().

Returns a list (a dictionary) containing information about the agent. Information includes loaded MIBs, registered sub-agents, some information about the memory allocation.

int_to_enum(Name, Int)

-spec int_to_enum(Name, Int) -> {value, Enum} | false
                     when Name :: atom(), Int :: integer(), Enum :: atom().

Equivalent to int_to_enum/3.

int_to_enum(Db, Name, Int)

-spec int_to_enum(Db, Name, Int) -> {value, Enum} | false
                     when Db :: term(), Name :: atom(), Int :: integer(), Enum :: atom().

Converts the integer Int to the corresponding symbolic value of the enumerated object or type Name in a MIB. The MIB must be loaded.

false is returned if the object or type is not defined in any loaded MIB, or if it does not define the symbolic value as enumerated.

Db is a reference to the symbolic store database (retrieved by a call to get_symbolic_store_db/0).


-spec invalidate_mibs_cache() -> snmp:void().

Equivalent to invalidate_mibs_cache/1.


-spec invalidate_mibs_cache(Agent) -> snmp:void() when Agent :: pid() | AgentName, AgentName :: atom().

Invalidate the mib server cache.

The entire contents of the cache will be deleted.


(since OTP R16B02)
-spec load_mib(Mib) -> ok | {error, Reason} when Mib :: string(), Reason :: already_loaded | term().

Equivalent to load_mib/2.

load_mib(Agent, Mib)

(since OTP R16B02)
-spec load_mib(Agent, Mib) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                      Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                      AgentName :: atom(),
                      Mib :: string(),
                      Reason :: already_loaded | term().

Load a single Mib into an agent. The MibName is the name of the Mib, including the path to where the compiled mib is found. For example:

          Dir = code:priv_dir(my_app) ++ "/mibs/",
          snmpa:load_mib(snmp_master_agent, Dir ++ "MY-MIB").


-spec load_mibs(Mibs) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                       Mibs :: [MibName],
                       MibName :: string(),
                       Reason :: {'load aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                       InternalReason :: already_loaded | term().

Equivalent to load_mibs/3.


-spec load_mibs(Agent, Mibs) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                       Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                       AgentName :: atom(),
                       Mibs :: [MibName],
                       MibName :: string(),
                       Reason :: {'load aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                       InternalReason :: already_loaded | term();
               (Mibs, Force) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                       Mibs :: [MibName],
                       MibName :: string(),
                       Force :: boolean(),
                       Reason :: {'load aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                       InternalReason :: already_loaded | term().

Equivalent to load_mibs/3.

load_mibs(Agent, Mibs, Force)

(since OTP R16B02)
-spec load_mibs(Agent, Mibs, Force) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                       Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                       AgentName :: atom(),
                       Mibs :: [MibName],
                       MibName :: string(),
                       Force :: boolean(),
                       Reason :: {'load aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                       InternalReason :: already_loaded | term().

Load Mibs into an agent. If the agent cannot load all MIBs (the default value of the Force argument is false), it will indicate where loading was aborted. The MibName is the name of the Mib, including the path to where the compiled mib is found. For example,

          Dir = code:priv_dir(my_app) ++ "/mibs/",
          snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, [Dir ++ "MY-MIB"]).

If Force = true then the agent will continue attempting to load each mib even after failing to load a previous mib. Use with care.


(since OTP R15B01)
-spec log_to_io(LogDir) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.


(since OTP R15B01)
-spec log_to_io(LogDir, Block) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Block :: boolean(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term();
               (LogDir, Mibs) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.


(since OTP R15B01)
-spec log_to_io(LogDir, Mibs, Block) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       Block :: boolean(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term();
               (LogDir, Mibs, LogName) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.


(since OTP R15B01)
-spec log_to_io(LogDir, Mibs, LogName, Block) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       Block :: boolean(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term();
               (LogDir, Mibs, LogName, LogFile) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       LogFile :: string(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.


(since OTP R15B01)
-spec log_to_io(LogDir, Mibs, LogName, LogFile, Block) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       LogFile :: string(),
                       Block :: boolean(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term();
               (LogDir, Mibs, LogName, LogFile, Start) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       LogFile :: string(),
                       Start :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.


(since OTP R15B01)
-spec log_to_io(LogDir, Mibs, LogName, LogFile, Block, Start) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       LogFile :: string(),
                       Block :: boolean(),
                       Start :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term();
               (LogDir, Mibs, LogName, LogFile, Start, Stop) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       LogFile :: string(),
                       Start :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                       Stop :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term().

Equivalent to log_to_io/7.

log_to_io(LogDir, Mibs, LogName, LogFile, Block, Start, Stop)

(since OTP R16B03)
-spec log_to_io(LogDir, Mibs, LogName, LogFile, Block, Start, Stop) -> ok | {ok, Cnt} | {error, Reason}
                       LogDir :: string(),
                       Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                       LogName :: string(),
                       LogFile :: string(),
                       Block :: boolean(),
                       Start :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                       Stop :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                       Cnt :: {NumOK, NumERR},
                       NumOK :: non_neg_integer(),
                       NumERR :: pos_integer(),
                       Reason :: term().

Converts an Audit Trail Log to a readable format and prints it on stdio. LogName defaults to "snmpa_log". LogFile defaults to "snmpa.log".

The Block option indicates if the log should be blocked during conversion. This could be useful when converting large logs (when otherwise the log could wrap during conversion). Defaults to true.

See snmp:log_to_io/7 for more info.


(since OTP R15B01)
-spec log_to_txt(LogDir) -> snmp:void() when LogDir :: snmp:dir().

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.


-spec log_to_txt(LogDir, Block) -> snmp:void() when LogDir :: snmp:dir(), Block :: boolean();
                (LogDir, Mibs) -> snmp:void() when LogDir :: snmp:dir(), Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()].

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.


-spec log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, Block) -> snmp:void()
                    when LogDir :: snmp:dir(), Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()], Block :: boolean();
                (LogDir, Mibs, OutFile) -> snmp:void()
                    when LogDir :: snmp:dir(), Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()], OutFile :: file:filename().

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.


-spec log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, Block) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        Block :: boolean();
                (LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        LogName :: string().

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.


-spec log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, Block) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        LogName :: string(),
                        Block :: boolean();
                (LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        LogName :: string(),
                        LogFile :: string().

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.


-spec log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile, Block | Start) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        LogName :: string(),
                        LogFile :: string(),
                        Block :: boolean(),
                        Start :: null | snmp:log_time().

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.


-spec log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile, Block, Start) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        LogName :: string(),
                        LogFile :: string(),
                        Block :: boolean(),
                        Start :: null | snmp:log_time();
                (LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile, Start, Stop) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        LogName :: string(),
                        LogFile :: string(),
                        Start :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                        Stop :: null | snmp:log_time().

Equivalent to log_to_txt/8.

log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile, Block, Start, Stop)

(since OTP R16B03)
-spec log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile, Block, Start, Stop) -> snmp:void()
                        LogDir :: snmp:dir(),
                        Mibs :: [snmp:mib_name()],
                        OutFile :: file:filename(),
                        LogName :: string(),
                        LogFile :: string(),
                        Block :: boolean(),
                        Start :: null | snmp:log_time(),
                        Stop :: null | snmp:log_time().

Converts an Audit Trail Log to a readable text file. OutFile defaults to "./snmpa_log.txt". LogName defaults to "snmpa_log". LogFile defaults to "snmpa.log".

The Block option indicates if the log should be blocked during conversion. This could be useful when converting large logs (when otherwise the log could wrap during conversion). Defaults to true.

See snmp:log_to_txt/8 for more info.


-spec me_of(Oid) -> {ok, Me} | {error, Reason} when Oid :: snmp:oid(), Me :: snmp:me(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to me_of/2.

me_of(Agent, Oid)

-spec me_of(Agent, Oid) -> {ok, Me} | {error, Reason}
                   Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                   AgentName :: atom(),
                   Oid :: snmp:oid(),
                   Me :: snmp:me(),
                   Reason :: term().

Finds the mib entry corresponding to the Oid.

If it is a variable, the Oid must be <Oid for var>.0 and if it is a table, Oid must be <table>.<entry>.<col>.<any>


-spec mib_of(Oid) -> {ok, MibName} | {error, Reason}
                when Oid :: snmp:oid(), MibName :: atom(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to mib_of/2.

mib_of(Agent, Oid)

-spec mib_of(Agent, Oid) -> {ok, MibName} | {error, Reason}
                    Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                    AgentName :: atom(),
                    Oid :: snmp:oid(),
                    MibName :: atom(),
                    Reason :: term().

Finds the mib corresponding to the Oid.

If it is a variable, the Oid must be <Oid for var>.0 and if it is a table, Oid must be <table>.<entry>.<col>.<any>.


-spec name_to_oid(Name) -> {value, Oid} | false when Name :: atom(), Oid :: snmp:oid().

Equivalent to name_to_oid/2.

name_to_oid(Db, Name)

-spec name_to_oid(Db, Name) -> {value, Oid} | false when Db :: term(), Name :: atom(), Oid :: snmp:oid().

Looks up the OBJECT IDENTIFIER of a MIB object, given the symbolic name. Note, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER is given for the object, not for an instance.

false is returned if the object is not defined in any loaded MIB.

Db is a reference to the symbolic store database (retrieved by a call to get_symbolic_store_db/0).


-spec oid_to_name(Oid) -> {value, Name} | false when Oid :: snmp:oid(), Name :: atom().

Equivalent to oid_to_name/2.

oid_to_name(Db, Oid)

-spec oid_to_name(Db, Oid) -> {value, Name} | false when Db :: term(), Oid :: snmp:oid(), Name :: atom().

Looks up the symbolic name of a MIB object, given OBJECT IDENTIFIER.

false is returned if the object is not defined in any loaded MIB.

Db is a reference to the symbolic store database (retrieved by a call to get_symbolic_store_db/0).

register_notification_filter(Id, Mod, Data)

-spec register_notification_filter(Id, Mod, Data) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                          Id :: nfilter_id(),
                                          Mod :: module(),
                                          Data :: term(),
                                          Reason :: term().

Equivalent to register_notification_filter/5.


-spec register_notification_filter(Agent | Id, Id | Mod, Mod | Data, Data | Where) ->
                                      ok | {error, Reason}
                                          Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                          AgentName :: atom(),
                                          Id :: nfilter_id(),
                                          Mod :: module(),
                                          Data :: term(),
                                          Where :: nfilter_position(),
                                          Reason :: term().

Accepted type specifications are:

-spec register_notification_filter(Agent, Id, Mod, Data) -> ok | {error, Reason}.
-spec register_notification_filter(Id, Mod, Data, Where) -> ok | {error, Reason}.

register_notification_filter(Agent, Id, Mod, Data, Where)

-spec register_notification_filter(Agent, Id, Mod, Data, Where) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                          Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                          AgentName :: atom(),
                                          Id :: nfilter_id(),
                                          Mod :: module(),
                                          Data :: term(),
                                          Where :: nfilter_position(),
                                          Reason :: term().

Registers a notification filter.

Mod is a module implementing the snmpa_notification_filter behaviour.

Data will be passed on to the filter when calling the functions of the behaviour.

register_subagent(Agent, SubTree, SubAgent)

-spec register_subagent(Agent, SubTree, SubAgent) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                               Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                               AgentName :: atom(),
                               SubTree :: snmp:oid(),
                               SubAgent :: pid(),
                               Reason :: term().

Registers a sub-agent under a sub-tree of another agent.

It is easy to make mistakes when registering sub-agents and this activity should be done carefully. For example, a strange behaviour would result from the following configuration:

snmp_agent:register_subagent(SA1,[1,2,3], SA2).

SA2 will not get requests starting with object identifier [1,2,3] since SA1 does not.


-spec restart_set_worker() -> snmp:void().

Equivalent to restart_set_worker/1.


-spec restart_set_worker(Agent) -> snmp:void() when Agent :: pid | AgentName, AgentName :: atom().

Restart the set worker process of a multi-threaded agent.

This is a utility function, that can be useful when e.g. debugging instrumentation functions.


-spec restart_worker() -> snmp:void().

Equivalent to restart_worker/1.


-spec restart_worker(Agent) -> snmp:void() when Agent :: pid | AgentName, AgentName :: atom().

Restart the worker process of a multi-threaded agent.

This is a utility function, that can be useful when e.g. debugging instrumentation functions.

send_notification2(Agent, Notification, SendOpts)

(since OTP R14B03)
-spec send_notification2(Agent, Notification, SendOpts) -> snmp:void()
                                Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                AgentName :: atom(),
                                Notification :: atom(),
                                SendOpts :: [SendOpt],
                                SendOpt ::
                                    {receiver, Receiver} |
                                    {name, snmp_notification_mib:notify_name()} |
                                    {context, snmp_community_mib:context_name()} |
                                    {varbinds, [Varbind]} |
                                    {local_engine_id, snmp_framework_mib:engine_id()} |
                                    {extra, term()},
                                Receiver :: no_receiver | {Tag, Recv} | notification_delivery_info(),
                                Tag :: term(),
                                Recv :: pid() | atom() | MFA,
                                MFA :: {Mod, Func, Args},
                                Mod :: module(),
                                Func :: atom(),
                                Args :: list(),
                                Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {Oid, Value},
                                Variable :: atom(),
                                Column :: atom(),
                                RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                                Oid :: snmp:oid(),
                                Value :: term().

Send the notification Notification to the management targets defined for notify-name (name) in the snmpNotifyTable in SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB from the specified context.

If no name is specified (or if it is ""), the notification is sent to all management targets.

If no context is specified, the default context, "", is used.

The send option receiver specifies where information about delivery of Inform-Requests should be sent. The agent sends Inform-Requests and waits for acknowledgments from the management targets. The receiver can have three values:

  • no_receiver - No information is delivered.

  • notification_delivery_info/0 - The information is delivered via a function call according to this data.

  • {tag(), tag_receiver()} - The information is delivered either via messages or via a function call according to the value of tag_receiver().

    Delivery is done differently depending on the value of tag_receiver():

    • pid() | registered_name() - The info will be delivered in the following messages:

      • {snmp_targets, tag(), Addresses}

        This informs the user which target addresses the notification was sent to.

      • {snmp_notification, tag(), {got_response, Address}}

        This informs the user that this target address acknowledged the notification.

      • {snmp_notification, tag(), {no_response, Address}}

        This informs the user that this target address did not acknowledge the notification.

      The notification is sent as an Inform-Request to each target address in Addresses and if there are no targets for which an Inform-Request is sent, Addresses is the empty list [].

      The tag_receiver() will first be sent the snmp_targets message, and then for each address in Addresses list, one of the two snmp_notification messages.

    • {Mod, Func, Args} - The info will be delivered via the function call:

      Mod:Func([Msg | Args])

      where Msg has the same content and purpose as the messages descrived above.

The 'process oid' "tag" that can be provided with the variable name / oids is intended to be used for oid post processing. The value 'keep', which is the default, leaves the oid as is. The value 'truncate', will cause the oid to be "truncated". That is, any trailing ".0" will be removed.


There is a way to exclude a varbind from the notification. In the normal varbinds list, providing the special value '$ignore-oid' (instead of a normal value) will exclude this varbind from the notification.

A define for this has been added to the snmp_types.hrl include file, NOTIFICATION_IGNORE_VB_VALUE.


The extra info is not normally interpreted by the agent, instead it is passed through to the net-if process. It is up to the implementor of that process to make use of this data.

The version of net-if provided by this application makes no use of this data, with one exception: Any tuple containing the atom snmpa_default_notification_extra_info may be used by the agent and is therefore reserved.

See the net-if incoming messages for sending a trap and notification for more info.

send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver)

-spec send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver) -> snmp:void()
                               Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                               AgentName :: atom(),
                               Notification :: atom(),
                               Receiver :: no_receiver | {Tag, Recv} | notification_delivery_info(),
                               Tag :: term(),
                               Recv :: pid() | atom() | MFA,
                               MFA :: {Mod, Func, Args},
                               Mod :: module(),
                               Func :: atom(),
                               Args :: list().

Equivalent to send_notification/7.

send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, Varbinds)

-spec send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, Varbinds) -> snmp:void()
                               Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                               AgentName :: atom(),
                               Notification :: atom(),
                               Receiver :: no_receiver | {Tag, Recv} | notification_delivery_info(),
                               Tag :: term(),
                               Recv :: pid() | atom() | MFA,
                               MFA :: {Mod, Func, Args},
                               Mod :: module(),
                               Func :: atom(),
                               Args :: list(),
                               Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                               Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {Oid, Value},
                               Variable :: atom(),
                               Column :: atom(),
                               RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                               Oid :: snmp:oid(),
                               Value :: term().

Equivalent to send_notification/7.

send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, NotifyName, Varbinds)

-spec send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, NotifyName, Varbinds) -> snmp:void()
                               Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                               AgentName :: atom(),
                               Notification :: atom(),
                               Receiver :: no_receiver | {Tag, Recv} | notification_delivery_info(),
                               Tag :: term(),
                               Recv :: pid() | atom() | MFA,
                               MFA :: {Mod, Func, Args},
                               Mod :: module(),
                               Func :: atom(),
                               Args :: list(),
                               NotifyName :: snmp_notification_mib:notify_name(),
                               Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                               Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {Oid, Value},
                               Variable :: atom(),
                               Column :: atom(),
                               RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                               Oid :: snmp:oid(),
                               Value :: term().

Equivalent to send_notification/7.

send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, NotifyName, ContextName, Varbinds)

-spec send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, NotifyName, ContextName, Varbinds) -> snmp:void()
                               Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                               AgentName :: atom(),
                               Notification :: atom(),
                               Receiver :: no_receiver | {Tag, Recv} | notification_delivery_info(),
                               Tag :: term(),
                               Recv :: pid() | atom() | MFA,
                               MFA :: {Mod, Func, Args},
                               Mod :: module(),
                               Func :: atom(),
                               Args :: list(),
                               NotifyName :: snmp_notification_mib:notify_name(),
                               ContextName :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                               Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                               Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {Oid, Value},
                               Variable :: atom(),
                               Column :: atom(),
                               RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                               Oid :: snmp:oid(),
                               Value :: term().

Equivalent to send_notification/7.

send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, NotifyName, ContextName, Varbinds, LocalEngineID)

(since OTP R14B)
-spec send_notification(Agent, Notification, Receiver, NotifyName, ContextName, Varbinds, LocalEngineID) ->
                               Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                               AgentName :: atom(),
                               Notification :: atom(),
                               Receiver :: no_receiver | {Tag, Recv} | notification_delivery_info(),
                               Tag :: term(),
                               Recv :: pid() | atom() | MFA,
                               MFA :: {Mod, Func, Args},
                               Mod :: module(),
                               Func :: atom(),
                               Args :: list(),
                               NotifyName :: snmp_notification_mib:notify_name(),
                               ContextName :: snmp_community_mib:context_name(),
                               Varbinds :: [Varbind],
                               Varbind :: {Variable, Value} | {Column, RowIndex, Value} | {Oid, Value},
                               Variable :: atom(),
                               Column :: atom(),
                               RowIndex :: snmp:row_index(),
                               Oid :: snmp:oid(),
                               Value :: term(),
                               LocalEngineID :: snmp_framework_mib:engine_id().

Sends the notification Notification to the management targets defined for NotifyName in the snmpNotifyTable in SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB from the specified context.

If no NotifyName is specified (or if it is ""), the notification is sent to all management targets (Addresses below).

If no ContextName is specified, the default "" context is used.

The parameter Receiver specifies where information about delivery of Inform-Requests should be sent. The agent sends Inform-Requests and waits for acknowledgments from the managers. Receiver can have three values:

  • no_receiver - No information is delivered.
  • notification_delivery_info/0 - The information is delivered via a function call according to this data.
  • {Tag, Recv} - The information is delivered either via messages or via a function call according to the value of Recv.

If Receiver has the value {Tag, Recv}, the delivery is done according to Recv:

  • pid() | atom() - The info will be delivered in the following messages:

    • {snmp_targets, Tag, Addresses}

      This inform the user which target addresses the notification was sent to.

    • {snmp_notification, Tag, {got_response, Address}}

      This informs the user that this target address acknowledged the notification.

    • {snmp_notification, Tag, {no_response, Address}}

      This informs the user that this target address did not acknowledge notification.

    The notification is sent as an Inform-Request to each target address in Addresses and if there are no targets for which an Inform-Request is sent, Addresses is the empty list [].

    The receiver will first be sent the snmp_targets message, and then for each address in Addresses list, one of the two snmp_notification messages.

  • {Mod, Func, Args} - The info will be delivered via the function call:

    Mod:Func([Msg | Args])

    where Msg has the same content and purpose as the messages descrived above.

Address is a management target address and Addresses is a list of management target addresses. They are defined as followes:

        Addresses  = [address()]
        Address    = address()
        address()  = v1_address() | v3_address()
        v1_address() = {TDomain, TAddress}
        v3_address() = {{TDomain, TAddress}, V3MsgData}
        TDomain    = tdoamin()
        TAddress   = taddress()
        tdomain()  = The oid of snmpUDPDomain
                     This is the only supported transport domain.
        taddress() = [A1, A2, A3, A4, P1, P3]
                     The 4 first bytes makes up the IP-address and the last 2,
                     the UDP-port number.
        V3MsgData  = v3_msg_data()
        v3_msg_data() = term()

If Receiver is a notification_delivery_info/0 record, then the information about the notification delivery will be delivered to the receiver via the callback functions defined by the snmpa_notification_delivery_info_receiver behaviour according to the content of the notification_delivery_info/0 record.

The optional argument Varbinds defines values for the objects in the notification. If no value is given for an object, the Agent performs a get-operation to retrieve the value.

Varbinds is a list of Varbind, where each Varbind is one of:

  • {Variable, Value}, where Variable is the symbolic name of a scalar variable referred to in the notification specification.
  • {Column, RowIndex, Value}, where Column is the symbolic name of a column variable. RowIndex is a list of indices for the specified element. If this is the case, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER sent in the notification is the RowIndex appended to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER for the table column. This is the OBJECT IDENTIFIER which specifies the element.
  • {OID, Value}, where OID is the OBJECT IDENTIFIER for an instance of an object, scalar variable, or column variable.

For example, to specify that sysLocation should have the value "upstairs" in the notification, we could use one of:

  • {sysLocation, "upstairs"} or
  • {[1,3,6,1,2,1,1,6,0], "upstairs"} or
  • {?sysLocation_instance, "upstairs"} (provided that the generated .hrl file is included)

If a variable in the notification is a table element, the RowIndex for the element must be given in the Varbinds list. In this case, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER sent in the notification is the OBJECT IDENTIFIER that identifies this element. This OBJECT IDENTIFIER could be used in a get operation later.

This function is asynchronous, and does not return any information. If an error occurs, user_err/2 of the error report module is called and the notification is discarded.


Note that the use of the LocalEngineID argument is only intended for special cases, if the agent is to "emulate" multiple EngineIDs! By default, the agent uses the value of SnmpEngineID (see SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB).

ExtraInfo is not normally used in any way by the agent. It is intended to be passed along to the net-if process, which is a component that a user can implement themself. The users own net-if may then make use of ExtraInfo. The net-if provided with this application does not process ExtraInfo.

There is one exception. Any tuple containing the atom snmpa_default_notification_extra_info will, in this context, be considered belonging to this application, and may be processed by the agent.


-spec set_log_type(NewType) -> {ok, OldType} | {error, Reason}
                      when NewType :: snmp:atl_type(), OldType :: snmp:atl_type(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to set_log_type/2.

set_log_type(Agent, NewType)

-spec set_log_type(Agent, NewType) -> {ok, OldType} | {error, Reason}
                          Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                          AgentName :: atom(),
                          NewType :: snmp:atl_type(),
                          OldType :: snmp:atl_type(),
                          Reason :: term().

Changes the run-time Audit Trail log type.

Note that this has no effect on the application configuration as defined by configuration files, so a node restart will revert the config to whatever is in those files.

This function is primarily useful in testing/debugging scenarios.


-spec set_request_limit(NewLimit) -> {ok, OldLimit} | {error, Reason}
                               NewLimit :: infinity | non_neg_integer(),
                               OldLimit :: infinity | non_neg_integer(),
                               Reason :: term().

Equivalent to set_request_limit/2.

set_request_limit(Agent, NewLimit)

-spec set_request_limit(Agent, NewLimit) -> {ok, OldLimit} | {error, Reason}
                               Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                               AgentName :: atom(),
                               NewLimit :: infinity | non_neg_integer(),
                               OldLimit :: infinity | non_neg_integer(),
                               Reason :: term().

Changes the request limit.

Note that this has no effect on the application configuration as defined by configuration files, so a node restart will revert the config to whatever is in those files.

This function is primarily useful in load regulation scenarios.


(since OTP R16B02)
-spec unload_mib(Mib) -> ok | {error, Reason} when Mib :: string(), Reason :: not_loaded | term().

Equivalent to unload_mib/2.

unload_mib(Agent, Mib)

(since OTP R16B02)
-spec unload_mib(Agent, Mib) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                        Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                        AgentName :: atom(),
                        Mib :: string(),
                        Reason :: not_loaded | term().

Unload a single Mib from an agent.


-spec unload_mibs(Mibs) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                         Mibs :: [MibName],
                         MibName :: string(),
                         Reason :: {'unload aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                         InternalReason :: not_loaded | term().

Equivalent to unload_mibs/3.


-spec unload_mibs(Agent, Mibs) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                         Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                         AgentName :: atom(),
                         Mibs :: [MibName],
                         MibName :: string(),
                         Reason :: {'unload aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                         InternalReason :: not_loaded | term();
                 (Mibs, Force) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                         Mibs :: [MibName],
                         MibName :: string(),
                         Force :: boolean(),
                         Reason :: {'unload aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                         InternalReason :: not_loaded | term().

Equivalent to unload_mibs/3.

unload_mibs(Agent, Mibs, Force)

(since OTP R16B02)
-spec unload_mibs(Agent, Mibs, Force) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                         Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                         AgentName :: atom(),
                         Mibs :: [MibName],
                         MibName :: string(),
                         Force :: boolean(),
                         Reason :: {'unload aborted at', MibName, InternalReason},
                         InternalReason :: not_loaded | term().

Unload Mibs from an agent. If it cannot unload all MIBs (the default value of the Force argument is false), it will indicate where unloading was aborted.

If Force = true then the agent will continue attempting to unload each mib even after failing to unload a previous mib. Use with care.


-spec unregister_notification_filter(Id) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                        when Id :: nfilter_id(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to unregister_notification_filter/2.

unregister_notification_filter(Agent, Id)

-spec unregister_notification_filter(Agent, Id) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                            Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                            AgentName :: atom(),
                                            Id :: nfilter_id(),
                                            Reason :: term().

Unregister a notification filter.

unregister_subagent(Agent, SubAgentOidOrPid)

-spec unregister_subagent(Agent, SubAgentOidOrPid) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                 Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                 AgentName :: atom(),
                                 SubAgentOidOrPid :: snmp:oid() | pid(),
                                 Reason :: term().

Unregister a sub-agent. If the second argument is a pid, then that sub-agent will be unregistered from all trees in Agent.


-spec update_mibs_cache_age(Age) -> ok | {error, Reason} when Age :: pos_integer(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to update_mibs_cache_age/2.

update_mibs_cache_age(Agent, Age)

-spec update_mibs_cache_age(Agent, Age) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                   Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                   AgentName :: atom(),
                                   Age :: pos_integer(),
                                   Reason :: term().

Change the mib server cache age property.


-spec update_mibs_cache_gclimit(GcLimit) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                   when GcLimit :: pos_integer(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to update_mibs_cache_gclimit/2.

update_mibs_cache_gclimit(Agent, GcLimit)

-spec update_mibs_cache_gclimit(Agent, GcLimit) -> ok | {error, Reason}
                                       Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                       AgentName :: atom(),
                                       GcLimit :: pos_integer(),
                                       Reason :: term().

Change the mib server cache gclimit property.

verbosity(Target, Verbosity)

-spec verbosity(Target, Verbosity) -> snmp:void()
                       Target :: all | LogicalName | PidOrAgentName,
                       LogicalName :: net_if | note_store | mib_server | symbolic_store | local_db,
                       PidOrAgentName :: pid() | master_agent | atom(),
                       Verbosity :: SNMPVerb | SubAgent,
                       SNMPVerb :: snmp:verbosity(),
                       SubAgent :: {subagents, snmp:verbosity()}.

Sets 'verbosity' for the indicated process(s):

  • all - Sets verbosity for all the agent processes; net_if, note_store, mib_server, symbolic_store, local_db and master_agent (and sub-agents).

  • net_if - Sets verbosity for the net-if process.

  • note_store - Sets verbosity for the note store process.

  • mib_server - Sets verbosity for the mib server process.

  • symbolic_store - Sets verbosity for the symbolic store process.

  • local_db - Sets verbosity for the local-db process.

  • master_agent | pid() when Verbosity = {subagents, snmp:verbosity()} - Sets verbosity for all sub-agent(s) controlled by this (master) agent.

  • master_agent | pid() | atom() - Sets verbosity for the agent process.

The following text documents expected input-output relations

  • If Target :: all | net_if | note_store | mib_server | symbolic_store | local_db, then Verbosity :: snmp:verbosity().

  • If Target :: master_agent, then Verbosity :: {subagents, snmp:verbosity()}

  • If `Target :: pid()atom()`,
    then `Verbosity :: snmp:verbosity(){subagents, snmp:verbosity()}`.


-spec whereis_mib(MibName) -> {ok, MibFile} | {error, Reason}
                     when MibName :: atom(), MibFile :: string(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to whereis_mib/2.

whereis_mib(Agent, MibName)

-spec whereis_mib(Agent, MibName) -> {ok, MibFile} | {error, Reason}
                         Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                         AgentName :: atom(),
                         MibName :: atom(),
                         MibFile :: string(),
                         Reason :: term().

Get the full path to the (compiled) mib-file.


-spec which_aliasnames() -> AliasNames when AliasNames :: [AliasName], AliasName :: atom().

Retrieve all alias-names known to the agent.


-spec which_mibs() -> Mibs when Mibs :: [{MibName, MibFile}], MibName :: atom(), MibFile :: string().

Equivalent to which_mibs/1.


-spec which_mibs(Agent) -> Mibs
                        Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                        AgentName :: atom(),
                        Mibs :: [{MibName, MibFile}],
                        MibName :: atom(),
                        MibFile :: string().

Retrieve the list of all the mibs loaded into this agent. Default is the master agent.


(since OTP R14B)
-spec which_mibs_cache_size() -> {ok, Size} | {error, Reason}
                               when Size :: non_neg_integer(), Reason :: term().

Equivalent to which_mibs_cache_size/1.


(since OTP R14B)
-spec which_mibs_cache_size(Agent) -> {ok, Size} | {error, Reason}
                                   Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                   AgentName :: atom(),
                                   Size :: non_neg_integer(),
                                   Reason :: term().

Retrieve the size of the mib server cache.


-spec which_notification_filter() -> Filters when Filters :: [FilterId], FilterId :: nfilter_id().

Equivalent to which_notification_filter/1.


-spec which_notification_filter(Agent) -> Filters
                                       Agent :: pid() | AgentName,
                                       AgentName :: atom(),
                                       Filters :: [FilterId],
                                       FilterId :: nfilter_id().

List all notification filters in an agent.


-spec which_notifications() -> Notifications
                                 Notifications :: [{Name, MibName, Info}],
                                 Name :: atom(),
                                 MibName :: atom(),
                                 Info :: term().

Retrieve all notifications (and traps) known to the agent.


-spec which_tables() -> Tables when Tables :: [Table], Table :: atom().

Retrieve all tables known to the agent.


(since OTP 23.3)
-spec which_transports() -> Transports
                              Transports :: [Transport],
                              Transport :: {TDomain, TAddress} | {TDomain, TAddress, Kind},
                              TDomain :: snmp:tdomain(),
                              TAddress :: {IpAddr, IpPort},
                              IpAddr :: inet:ip_address(),
                              IpPort :: inet:port_number(),
                              Kind :: transport_kind().

Retrieve all configured transports.


-spec which_variables() -> Variables when Variables :: [Variable], Variable :: atom().

Retrieve all variables known to the agent.