SNMP Release Notes

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SNMP 5.18.1

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • SNMP Agent transports type (intAgentTransports) was incorrectly not documented as a list of transports. Also add a couple of config file generation examples.

    Own Id: OTP-19438 Aux Id: ERIERL-1180

SNMP 5.18

Improvements and New Features

  • Erlang/OTP type specifications has been updated to eliminate overlapping domains.

    Own Id: OTP-19310 Aux Id: GH-8810, GH-8821, PR-8986

SNMP 5.17

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Man pages are now available for erl, erlc, dialyzer, and all other programs that are included in Erlang/OTP.

    Own Id: OTP-19201 Aux Id: PR-8740

Improvements and New Features

  • Figures in the documentation have been improved.

    Own Id: OTP-19130 Aux Id: PR-7226

SNMP 5.16

Improvements and New Features

SNMP 5.15

Improvements and New Features

  • Make snmp handle gen_udp with socket backend on Windows (completion).

    Own Id: OTP-18598 Aux Id: OTP-18029

SNMP 5.14

Improvements and New Features

  • The implementation has been fixed to use proc_lib:init_fail/2,3 where appropriate, instead of proc_lib:init_ack/1,2.


    Own Id: OTP-18490 Aux Id: OTP-18471, GH-6339, PR-6843

SNMP 5.13.5

Improvements and New Features

  • Attempts to minimize the number of the error reports during a failed agent init.

    Own Id: OTP-18422 Aux Id: ERIERL-873

SNMP 5.13.4

Improvements and New Features

  • Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1

    The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can result in worse types for Dialyzer.

    When one knows that the value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always be preferred.

    When one knows that the value being tested must be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the call to byte_size/1.

    Own Id: OTP-18432 Aux Id: GH-6672,PR-6793,PR-6784,PR-6787,PR-6785,PR-6682,PR-6800,PR-6797,PR-6798,PR-6799,PR-6796,PR-6813,PR-6671,PR-6673,PR-6684,PR-6694,GH-6677,PR-6696,PR-6670,PR-6674

SNMP 5.13.3

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Single threaded agent crash when vacm table not properly initiated.

    Own Id: OTP-18379 Aux Id: ERIERL-904

SNMP 5.13.2

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Explicitly close the socket(s) when terminating (default-) net-if process.

    Own Id: OTP-18352 Aux Id: ERIERL-881


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Single threaded agent crash when vacm table not properly initiated.

    Own Id: OTP-18379 Aux Id: ERIERL-904

SNMP 5.13.1

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Improved the get-bulk response max size calculation. Its now possible to configure 'empty pdu size', see appendix c for more info.

    Own Id: OTP-17115 Aux Id: ERIERL-456

  • Fix various example dialyzer issues

    Own Id: OTP-18180 Aux Id: ERIERL-837

SNMP 5.13

Improvements and New Features

  • Input for configure scripts adapted to autoconf 2.71.

    Own Id: OTP-17414 Aux Id: PR-4967

  • Removed deprecated functions slated for removal in OTP-25. Also removed "dead" code, kept for backward compatibility reasons.

    Own Id: OTP-17612


Improvements and New Features

  • Attempts to minimize the number of the error reports during a failed agent init.

    Own Id: OTP-18422 Aux Id: ERIERL-873


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Single threaded agent crash when vacm table not properly initiated.

    Own Id: OTP-18379 Aux Id: ERIERL-904


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Explicitly close the socket(s) when terminating (default-) net-if process.

    Own Id: OTP-18352 Aux Id: ERIERL-881

SNMP 5.12

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM files. There remained several undocumented functions that attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those have now been removed.

    Own Id: OTP-17962

Improvements and New Features

  • [agent] Remove expectation of socket being a port.

    Own Id: OTP-16559

SNMP 5.11

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Handling of test config flag when starting "empty".

    Own Id: OTP-17671

Improvements and New Features

  • Add support for new authentication algorithms (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512), according to RFC 7860.

    Own Id: OTP-17615 Aux Id: MR9501-1

  • Improve debug info for (snmp) manager.

    Own Id: OTP-17783

SNMP 5.10.1

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Sockets are monitored, but the handling of the 'DOWN' message expected a new style socket ('socket'), old style (port) was not handled.

    Own Id: OTP-17641 Aux Id: OTP-17640

SNMP 5.10

Improvements and New Features

  • It is now possible to configure the built-in net-if processes (both agent and manager) to use the new (gen_udp-) option 'inet_backend'.

    Own Id: OTP-17526

SNMP 5.9.1

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Commit of generated configure script.

    Own Id: OTP-17420 Aux Id: OTP-17398, GH-4821

SNMP 5.9

Improvements and New Features

  • Removed deprecated functions marked for removal.

    Own Id: OTP-17049

  • Removed timestamps from files generated by snmp to enable deterministic builds.

    Own Id: OTP-17354

  • Fixed warnings in code matching on underscore prefixed variables.

    Own Id: OTP-17385 Aux Id: OTP-17123


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Commit of generated configure script.

    Own Id: OTP-17420 Aux Id: OTP-17398, GH-4821

SNMP 5.8

Improvements and New Features

  • Add function to get a list of configured agent transports. Also improved agent info with regards to transports.

    Own Id: OTP-17109 Aux Id: ERIERL-583

SNMP 5.7.3

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • [manager] In a function handling snmp errors, an unused result (_Error) could result in matching issues and therefore case clause runtime errors (crash). Note that this would only happen in very unusual error cases.

    Own Id: OTP-17161

SNMP 5.7.2

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • [manager] Misspelled priv protocol (atom) made it impossible to update usm user 'priv_key' configuration for usmAesCfb128Protocol via function calls.

    Own Id: OTP-17110 Aux Id: ERIERL-586

SNMP 5.7.1

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Fixed usage of AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIRS() macros in configure script sources.

    Own Id: OTP-17093 Aux Id: ERL-1447, PR-2948

SNMP 5.7

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • If an attempt was made to send a v1 trap on a IPv6 transport this could cause a master agent crash (if the agent was not multi-threaded).

    Own Id: OTP-16920 Aux Id: OTP-16649

  • The deprecation info for a couple of the deprecated MIB compiler functions where incorrect. Referred to functions in the 'snmpa' module instead of 'snmpc'.

    Own Id: OTP-17056 Aux Id: OTP-17049

Improvements and New Features

  • Make it possible for the agent to configure separate transports (sockets) for request-responder and trap-sender.

    Own Id: OTP-16649

  • The mib server cache handling has been improved. First, the default gclimit has been changed from 100 to infinity (to ensure the size is as small as possible). Also, the method of removing old elements has been optimized.

    Own Id: OTP-16989 Aux Id: ERIERL-544

  • It is now possible to configure the agent in such a way that the order of outgoing notifications are processed in order in the agent. What happens after the notification message has left the agent (been sent) is of course still out of our control.

    Own Id: OTP-17022 Aux Id: ERIERL-492

  • Improve handling of the udp_error message. Basically an improved error/warning message.

    Own Id: OTP-17033

SNMP 5.6.1

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • For agent fix PrivParams for SNMPv3 USM with AES privacy, as earlier fixed for the manager in OTP_16541.

    Own Id: OTP-15130 Aux Id: ERIERL-524, OTP-16541

  • The SNMP Agent missed to re-activate datagram reception in an odd timeout case and went deaf. This bug has been fixed.

    Own Id: OTP-15767 Aux Id: ERIERL-523

  • Use of deprecated functions in example 2 has been removed (no more compiler warnings).

    Own Id: OTP-16716

  • A file descriptor leak has been plugged. When calling the reconfigure function of a mib, it opened the config file(s) but never closed them on successful read.

    Own Id: OTP-16760 Aux Id: ERIERL-511

SNMP 5.6

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • For manager, fix PrivParams for SNMPv3 USM with AES privacy; In `snmp_usm:do_decrypt/3`, pass full UsmSecParams to `snmp_usm:try_decrypt/5` as expected by AES clause. Change `snmpm_usm:aes_encrypt/3` to use EngineBoots and EngineTime as cached by `snmpm_config:get_usm_eboots/1` and `snmpm_config:get_usm_etime/1` instead of `snmpm_config:get_engine_boots/0` and `snmpm_config:get_engine_time/0`. This ensures correct msgPrivacyParameters are sent when AES is used. * Add test `snmp.snmp_manager_SUITE.usm_priv_aes/1` to avoid regression.

    Own Id: OTP-16541 Aux Id: #2544

  • Invalid character in (manager) usm config entry generator function.

    Own Id: OTP-16552 Aux Id: ERL-1196

Improvements and New Features

  • Remove usage and documentation of old requests of the I/O-protocol.

    Own Id: OTP-15695

  • Calls of deprecated functions in the Old Crypto API are replaced by calls of their substitutions.

    Own Id: OTP-16346

  • Finalize deprecation. Already deprecated functions has a "remove version 24" set and "new" functions added to list of deprecated functions.

    Own Id: OTP-16463

  • Refactored the internal handling of deprecated and removed functions.

    Own Id: OTP-16469


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Commit of generated configure script.

    Own Id: OTP-17420 Aux Id: OTP-17398, GH-4821


Improvements and New Features

  • The mib server cache handling has been improved. First, the default gclimit has been changed from 100 to infinity (in order to ensure the size is as small as possible). Also the method of removing old elements has been optimized.

    Own Id: OTP-16989 Aux Id: ERIERL-544

  • It is now possible to configure the agent in such a way that the order of outgoing notifications are processed in order in the agent. What happens after the notification message has left the agent (been sent) is of course still out of our control.

    Own Id: OTP-17022 Aux Id: ERIERL-492


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • For agent fix PrivParams for SNMPv3 USM with AES privacy, as earlier fixed for the manager in OTP_16541.

    Own Id: OTP-15130 Aux Id: ERIERL-524, OTP-16541


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • The SNMP Agent missed to re-activate datagram reception in an odd timeout case and went deaf. This bug has been fixed.

    Own Id: OTP-15767 Aux Id: ERIERL-523


Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • A file descriptor leak has been plugged. When calling the reconfigure function of a mib, it opened the config file(s) but never closed them on successful read.

    Own Id: OTP-16760 Aux Id: ERIERL-511

SNMP 5.5

Improvements and New Features

  • A simple supervision of the snmp manager net-if process has been added. Also, a way to forcibly restart the net-if process has been added. This could be useful if the net-if process hangs for some reason.

    Own Id: OTP-16447 Aux Id: ERIERL-455, OTP-16382

  • Misc documentation corrections

    Own Id: OTP-16450

SNMP 5.4.5

Improvements and New Features

  • Its now possible to remove selected varbinds (from the final message) when sending a notification. This is done by setting the 'value' (in the varbind(s) of the varbinds list) to '?NOTIFICATION_IGNORE_VB_VALUE'.

    Own Id: OTP-16349 Aux Id: ERIERL-444

  • Its now possible to specify that an oid shall be "truncated" (trailing ".0" to be removed) when sending an notification.

    Own Id: OTP-16360 Aux Id: ERIERL-451

SNMP 5.4.4

Improvements and New Features

  • [manager] The callbacks where executed in a (new) 'temporary' process, that executed the callback call and then exited. This has now been made configurable so that is also possible to specify a 'permanent' callback proxy process. All callback calls will then be executed in this (permanent) process (in sequence).

    Own Id: OTP-15947 Aux Id: ERIERL-378


Improvements and New Features

  • Its now possible to remove selected varbinds (from the final message) when sending a notification. This is done by setting the 'value' (in the varbind(s) of the varbinds list) to '?NOTIFICATION_IGNORE_VB_VALUE'.

    Own Id: OTP-16349 Aux Id: ERIERL-444

  • Its now possible to specify that an oid shall be "truncated" (trailing ".0" to be removed) when sending an notification.

    Own Id: OTP-16360 Aux Id: ERIERL-451

SNMP 5.4.3

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Agent discovery cleanup. If there is no receiver of INFORM then #state.reqs in snmpa_net_if keeps on growing for DISCOVERY.

    Own Id: OTP-16228 Aux Id: ERIERL-427

SNMP 5.4.2

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • The agent discovery process has been made to work with snmptrapd..

    Own Id: OTP-16207 Aux Id: ERIERL-427

SNMP 5.4.1

Improvements and New Features

  • Made it possible to add 'extra socket options' to the (gen_udp) socket open call (for both manager and agent). A new option has been added, extra_sock_opts, which makes it possible for the user to add a list of extra socket options that will be appended to the other socket options for the open call. See the snmp application config man page (erl -man 6 snmp) or the "Configuring the application" chapter of the Users Guide for more info.

    Own Id: OTP-16092 Aux Id: ERIERL-410

SNMP 5.4

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Fix various minor issues related to Dialyzer. Mostly these are dialyzer warnings, but there was also some minor bugs detected by Dialyzer.

    Own Id: OTP-15932

Improvements and New Features

  • Fixed a dets usage problem detected by dialyzer.

    Own Id: OTP-10400 Aux Id: kunagi-253 [164]

  • The function snmp:print_version_info() prints various version info. For each module a number of items are printed, such as app vsn and md5 digest. And an attempt was also made to print "compile time". This used to be available in the module_info for each module, but has now been removed.

    Own Id: OTP-15330

  • The use of the deprecated random module has been replaced the with rand module.

    Own Id: OTP-15331

  • Removed use of the deprecated function erlang:get_stacktrace(). Instead make use of the 'catch Class:Error:Stacktrace' feature.

    Own Id: OTP-15332

SNMP 5.3

Improvements and New Features

  • The application otp_mibs has been removed from OTP. Some of its components (mibs) have been moved to other apps (snmp), or removed completely (os_mon).

    Own Id: OTP-14984 Aux Id: OTP-15329

  • [snmp|agent] Add a get-mechanism callback module (and a corresponding behaviour). The agent calls this module to handle each get (get, get-next and get-bulk) request.

    Own Id: OTP-15691 Aux Id: ERIERL-324

SNMP 5.2.12

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Conversion of (agent) Audit Trail Log (ATL) failed due to invalid log entries.

    The conversion aborted completely midway because the ATL contained invalid entries. The conversion has been improved so that it now firstly handles encountered errors and write an informative message (into the converted stream) and secondly keeps count of the number of successful or failed entry conversions. See log_to_txt for more info.

    The reason the ATL contained invalid entries have also been fixed. The reason was that for some outgoing messages (not response):

    • encrypted (v3 messages)

      Was logged "as is" (encrypted) without the info to decrypt, making conversion impossible (which was the reason the log contained bad entries).

    • un-encrypted

      Was not logged at all.

    Own Id: OTP-15287 Aux Id: ERIERL-206

  • [compiler] Spurious version message removed. The snmp mib compiler printed an spurious version message if the 'version' option was provided.

    Own Id: OTP-15290


Improvements and New Features

  • [manager] The callbacks where executed in a (new) 'temporary' process, that executed the callback call and then exited. This has now been made configurable so that is also possible to specify a 'permanent' callback proxy process. All callback calls will then be executed in this (permanent) process (in sequence).

    Own Id: OTP-15947 Aux Id: ERIERL-378


Improvements and New Features

  • [snmp|agent] Add a get-mechanism callback module (and a corresponding behaviour). The agent calls this module to handle each get (get, get-next and get-bulk) request.

    Own Id: OTP-15691 Aux Id: ERIERL-324

SNMP 5.2.11

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • The Snmp MIB compiler now allows using a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION type before defining it.

    Own Id: OTP-14196 Aux Id: ERIERL-161

SNMP 5.2.10

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • The example MIB EX1-MIB in the SNMP application has been corrected to match its example.

    Own Id: OTP-14204 Aux Id: PR-1726

SNMP 5.2.9

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Removed all old unused files in the documentation.

    Own Id: OTP-14475 Aux Id: ERL-409, PR-1493

SNMP 5.2.8

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • The recbuf configuration option was not propagated correctly to the socket for the SNMP Manager.

    Own Id: OTP-13372 Aux Id: ERIERL-73

SNMP 5.2.7

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • A bug in the SNMP MIB compiler has been fixed. An AUGMENTS referring to a table defined later in the MIB did not work.

    Own Id: OTP-13014 Aux Id: ERL-375

SNMP 5.2.6

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Internal code change: Calls to catch followed by a call to erlang:get_stacktrace/0 has been rewritten to use try instead of catch to make the code future-proof.

    Own Id: OTP-14400

SNMP 5.2.5

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • The SNMP MIB compiler has been fixed to compile MIBS with refinements on user types such as in RFC 4669 RADIUS-AUTH-SERVER-MIB.mib. Problem reported and researched by Kenneth Lakin and Daniel Goertzen.

    See also:

    Own Id: OTP-14145 Aux Id: ERL-325

SNMP 5.2.4

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Correct bugs when path to mib or idl spec files contains UTF-8 characters.

    Own Id: OTP-13718 Aux Id: ERL-179

Improvements and New Features

  • Solves snmp config string handling as reported by ERL-164 and solved by PR-1100

    Own Id: OTP-13706

SNMP 5.2.3

Improvements and New Features

  • Internal changes

    Own Id: OTP-13551

SNMP 5.2.2

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Snmp agent now properly handles vacmViewTreeFamily masks.

    Own Id: OTP-13264

SNMP 5.2.1

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • Small documentation fixes

    Own Id: OTP-13017

Improvements and New Features

  • Update configuration check of imask ( list of ones and zeros) to allow the empty list.

    Own Id: OTP-13101

SNMP 5.2

Improvements and New Features

  • The runtime dependencies in the application resource file have been updated.

    Own Id: OTP-12762

SNMP 5.1.2

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

  • A bug in the SNMP Agent has been corrected; when opening a port using the command line argument -snmpa_fd the Port should be 0 when calling gen_udp:open.

    A bug in the SNMP manager has been corrected; it should not look at the -snmp_fd command line argument, but instead at -snmpm_fd.

    Own Id: OTP-12669 Aux Id: seq12841

Improvements and New Features

  • Improved cryptographic capability.

    Own Id: OTP-12452

SNMP Development Toolkit 5.1.1

Version 5.1.1 supports code replacement in runtime from/to version 5.1.

Improvements and new features

  • [compiler] Refinement of type Opaque was not allowed.

    MIB constructs such as 'SYNTAX Opaque (SIZE(0..65535))' was previously not allowed, see the standard ALARM-MIB for eaxmple.

    Own Id: OTP-12066

    Aux Id: Seq 12669

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions




SNMP 5.1

Improvements and New Features

  • The SNMP manager has been enhanced with dual stack IPv4+IPv6, as the agent just was. The documentation is also now updated for both the agent and the manager.

    Own Id: OTP-12108 Aux Id: OTP-12020

SNMP 5.0

Improvements and New Features

  • SNMP has been improved to handle IPv6. The agent can handle dual stack IPv4 + IPv6, but not yet the manager. The documentation also still lags behind... If you do such advanced stuff like writing a custom net_if module, the interface for it has changed, but other than that SNMP is backwards compatible.


    Own Id: OTP-12020 Aux Id: OTP-11518
