crash dump at ejabberd startup

Tue Nov 16 11:14:01 CET 2010

Hello everybody in the Erlang universe,

I got stuck with a problem getting ejabberd to run in a FreeBSD8 Jail. 
Erlang and ejabberd were built using the Ports Collection (this week).

As far as I could learn from googling all this, the issue goes back to the 
erlang environment and abviously has something to do with "inet", TCP etc.. 
Well, even I know a bit about Unix I can't help myself with the error 
messages erlang spits out (no clue what these messages actually / precisely 
want to tell me):

ejabberd Start:

# ejabberdctl status
{error_logger,{{2010,11,16},{9,56,20}},"Protocol: ~p: register error: ~p~n",
{"Kernel pid 

Crash dump was written to: /var/log/ejabberd/erl_crash_20101116-095620.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) 

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if all this had to do with the mysterious 
"inetrc" configuration file. The example from the FreeBSD port contains:

# cat inetrc
{host,{127,0,0,1}, ["localhost","hostalias"]}.
{file, resolv, "/etc/resolv.conf"}.

I already tried some hints from what could be found via Google - but 
nonetheless didn't succeed or even made progress.

The funny thing is, I once had ejabberd running as a test system in another 
FreeBSD Jail but unfortunately did not note all details before wiping that 
old host.

So, anybody out there capable to give any hints ?
Understanding the problem might be 90% of getting the solution ...

Many thanks in advance !

kind regards

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