[erlang-questions] Erlang shows its slow face!

Morten Krogh mk@REDACTED
Mon Nov 15 22:51:30 CET 2010

Hi again,

The py3R can be made to have a much better check on the bounds of the lists.
Also, you should use that the triples are symmetric so {A,B,C} can be 
replaced with {B,A,C}.

     lists:sort(lists:flatten([[{A,B,C}, {B,A,C}] ||
     A <- lists:seq(1, N div 2),
      B <- lists:seq(A + 1, max(A, N*(N-2*A) div (2*(N-A)))),
      C <- [trunc(math:sqrt(A * A + B * B))],
              A + B + C =< N,
      A*A + B*B =:= C*C])).

the max(..,..) is really stupid, but I learnt something new about 
erlang, namely that

lists:seq(10,8), for example, produces an exception, whereas 
lists:seq(10,9) = []

if lists:seq(A,B) = [] for A > B, the max above could have been removed.


On 11/15/10 10:28 PM, Jesper Louis Andersen wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Fred Hebert<mononcqc@REDACTED>  wrote:
>> I think the first thing to do before optimizing is understanding how you use
>> the data. In the case of Pythagorean triplets like these, the right question
>> might as well be "how many triplets do I need? What values do I need to work
>> with?"
> Let me add:
> Optimization is many things. One of the tenets are how easy it is to
> change your implementation, facing new knowledge. If you look at some
> of the optimized variants, it should be fairly obvious that many of
> them provide impressive speedups (for large N) with very few changes
> to the original code as soon as an observation has been made.
> My experience is that C, C++ or Java tend to require much more work
> for these iterations. It turns out there is more to fast code than
> just having a language isomorphic to assembly :)

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