[erlang-questions] Compiler to warn on used underscore-variables
Jarrod Roberson
Fri Jan 8 17:58:44 CET 2010
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Sam Bobroff <sam@REDACTED> wrote:
> (Actually, I was astonished to find that _X was not treated exactly like
> _, so that would be my preferred solution. However, issuing the "not
> unused" warning is much better than what happens now.)
> Sam
It is very well documented behvaior, there should be nothing suprising about
>From the online documentation.
"... *Variables starting with underscore (_), for example _Height, are
normal variables, not anonymous.* They are however ignored by the compiler
in the sense that they will not generate any warnings for unused variables.
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