[erlang-questions] subnet masking with binary matching

Robert Baruch autophile@REDACTED
Thu Jan 18 06:02:36 CET 2007

The binary you're matching to has to total a multiple of 8 bits long.  
Maybe Erlang is assuming _Host is some multiple of 8 bits, and  
therefore since Maskbits is not a multiple of 8 bits, the match fails?


On Jan 17, 2007, at 11:08 PM, jm wrote:

> Using binary matching to perform subnet masking with the following  
> code,
> which should work with both IPv4 and IPv6 as far as I can tell,
> mask_address(Addr, Maskbits) ->
>    B = list_to_binary(tuple_to_list(Addr)),
>    io:format("address as binary: ~p ~p~n", [B,Maskbits]),
>    <<Subnet:Maskbits, _Host>> = B,
>    Subnet.
> which errors with
> {badmatch,<<4 bytes>>}
> when called by
>    mask_address({192,168,1,128}, 25).
> yet works when called by
>    mask_address({192,168,1,0}, 24).
> Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
> Jeff.
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