[erlang-questions] ODBC and x64

andrew cooke andrew@REDACTED
Sun Apr 22 04:21:25 CEST 2007

After using Erlang like crazy in my free time the last couple of weeks I
tried to hook up a database and find that the odbcserver is not present! 
Looking at the config.log it appears that configuration is failing as
libodbc32 cannot be found.

I am using Suse 10.2 Linux on an x64 system and have both 32 and 64 bit
ODBC libraries installed (in /usr/lib/libodbc.so and
/usr/lib64/libodbc.so).  A simple softlink from /usr/lib64/libodbc32.so to
/usr/lib/libodbc.so does not help.

How do I get Erlang working?  Or am I completely hosed?  If so, is there
an alternative way to connect to a SQL database (MySQL or Postgres -
preferably the latter).  I'm desperate enough to compile as 32 bit if that
would help (I have 4GB RAM so I guess it would be OK?) - how would I do


PS Bundling the config.log for odbc.

PPS Typically when installing a program configure prints a summary saying
what sub-components will not be used.  It would have been nice to know
earlier about this problem.  Perhaps the Erlang configure could do this

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