[erlang-questions] Fibonacci with escript (more fun...) [with CRASH]

Roger Larsson roger.larsson@REDACTED
Fri Apr 13 19:15:35 CEST 2007

Found this


so I thought - what about Erlang? My attempt in escript is attached
# chmod +x fibmini.erl
this runs well for a lot higher inputs than most other languages
# ./fibmini.erl 100
and even
# ./fibmini.erl 1000
produces some output (you need to modify format)

# ./fibmini.erl 2000
ends with
"- - -
1475 ******************************    1.61803398874989    
escript: script failed with error reason badarith

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-

%% As all ints in Erlang are bigints which simplifies the code alot.
%% Division / gives float result (there are 'div' and 'mod' operators)
%% This sample is written using the new escript (Erlang script)
%% # chmod +x fibomini.erl
%% # ./fibomini.erl 100

calc(Max, _, _, _, Max) -> ok; % end at generation
calc(Max, Golden, Lo, Hi, N) ->
	Ratio = Hi/Lo, Err = Ratio - Golden,
	io:format("~4w ~30w ~19.15g ~23.18f~n",[N, Hi, Ratio, Err]),
	calc(Max,Golden, Hi, Lo+Hi, N+1).

calc(Max) -> 
	Golden=(1 + math:sqrt(5)) / 2, N=1,
	calc(Max+1, Golden, 1, 1, N).

main([String]) -> calc(list_to_integer(String)).

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