is moving

Michael Leonhard michael206@REDACTED
Mon Jun 19 18:35:59 CEST 2006

I think it's a great idea to put the Erlang docs into a Wiki.
Searching documentation is the biggest annoyance for new Erlang users.
 We need documentation that has no frames.  A wiki would allow people
to correct typos and add missing details and examples.  Of course
there will be the question of which documentation is authoritative.
Ideally, the Erlang development team would put up the wiki on and update it along with each release.  The release could
include HTML docs generated from the wiki.

This would also be great for Jungerl.  It would also be great to
package the docs in a MS Help file for offline searching.


Michael Leonhard

On 6/9/06, Yariv Sadan <yarivvv@REDACTED> wrote:
> >
> > This just shows that creating a community doesnt mean one create
> > a technical solution and then the people will come.
> I think there needs to be a "critical mass" of content before enough
> people start using it... I was thinking that taking all official
> Erlang docs, dumping them into a wiki (wikimedia would be nice), and
> setting up a community site around it would be effective. However, I'm
> pretty sure somebody mentioned there are license restrictions with
> this documentation.
> Cheers,
> Yariv

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