bug in http:request ?
Soren Gronvald
Sun Feb 26 11:01:28 CET 2006
I have a problem with http:request that I think could
be a bug (but of course it could be due to ignorance
on my part).
I am trying to read a url from yahoo.com in the
simplest possible way - and it fails with the error
This of course indicates that it is the server that
causes trouble, but I can read the same url with other
technologies (java and visual basic) with no hassle at
all. And I can read similar but shorter urls from
yahaoo.com with erlang http:request without problems.
this url can be read successfully:
U1 =
and this fails.
U2 =
both should return a comma separated list of stock
exchange quotes from yahoo.com.
As I can read the same url with other technologies it
makes me think that there is a bug in the http client
module. Or, could it be that I need some
HTTPOptins/Options to make it work?
I am using erlang R10B-9 on Windows XP SP2
professional edition with all updates applied. I have
downloaded the precompiled version from erlang.org.
Best regards
I have included program examples below
this erlang program shows the problem
% this works
testurl(1) ->
U =
% this exits
testurl(2) ->
U =
geturl(Url) ->
X = http:request(Url),
case X of
{ok, { {_Version, 200, _ReasonPhrase}, _Headers,
Body} } ->
_ -> X
this java program will handle same situation without
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Geturl {
public static void main(String[] args) throws
Exception {
String u2 =
URL url = new URL(u2);
InputStream is = new
Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is);
int c = r.read();
while(c != -1) {
c = r.read();
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