Dependency injection in Erlang (Disgression from: Longstanding issues: structs & standalone Erlang)
Romain Lenglet
Fri Feb 24 07:57:22 CET 2006
Mikael Karlsson wrote:
> I am still
> missing a component binding contoller. Coming from objectweb,
> have you thought anything about a ( a'la Objectweb) Fractal
> binding (and attribute) controller for Erlang gen_servers?
I was one of the initial designers of Fractal, so I am quite
fluent in Fractal concepts ;-), and like you I am missing some
of Fractal features in Erlang. I even started implementing a
generic Fractal membrane in Erlang.
A problem with OTP is that it has mostly a static viewpoint: it
is mostly all about code (modules), and the runtime architecture
is static (the hierarchy of supervisor is generally static,
processes have global names set statically, client processes
depend statically on such global names, etc.).
On the other hand, Fractal has a purely dynamic viewpoint, in the
spirit of the OSI RM-ODP standard (Reference Model of Open
Distributed Processing). On some points Fractal is more advanced
than RM-ODP (separation between membrane and content in every
object / component), and on some points it is more restricted
(the only allowed interactions are interrogations, not signals or
announcements or flows), but it maps to RM-ODP quite well.
The strong point about Fractal/RM-ODP, is that the architecture
is a dynamic concern: components (objects, in RM-ODP) are bound
together through (possibly distributed) bindings, that are sorts
of channels allowing interactions. Think of it as the channels
and routes in SDL for instance, but dynamically reconfigurable.
Fractal/RM-ODP allows also composite objects, i.e. objects that
contain objects. In Fractal, these form hierarchies of control
domains (composite components do control their content).
Those concepts can be found almost as-is in Erlang/OTP: Erlang
objects are like RM-ODP objects, hierarchies of supervisors and
processes are similar to hierarchies of composite components in
Fractal (hierarchy of control domains)...
Erlang/OTP even offers runtime reflective access to the hierarchy
of supervisors.
But one feature is missing: Dependency Injection.
In Erlang, bindings are implicit. I.e., there are bindings (in
the engineering viewpoint, when first sending a message to a
remote node, a TCP connection is first implicitly open, etc.),
but creating and destroying bindings explicitly before and after
sending a message is not necessary for a process.
The problem, since bindings are not explicit, is that it becomes
impossible to manage the architecture at runtime: it is
impossible to know which process would send messages to which
process. Therefore, if I want to replace a process with another,
there is no general way to replace its name (pid) in the state
of the processes that depended on it. Hence, I can't replace the
In Erlang/OTP, a limited solution is the use of naming domains
(node-local and global). But this is very limited. It makes it
possible to replace a named process by another process with the
same name: if client processes access that process through the
naming domain, and not directly using its pid, then the
replacement is possible and transparent. However, if for
instance two processes 'client1' and 'client2' send messages to
a same process 'server' through its name (e.g. 'server' is a
name registered in the global naming domain), it is not possible
at runtime to reconfigure 'client1' and 'client2' to make them
access two different server processes. The problem, is that
usually in Erlang/OTP (in all the Erlang programs I have seen),
the names of server process are statically specified in the code
of client modules, and there is no way to modify them at
And it is even difficult to modify them statically, because it
generally requires to modify the code. As a consequence, this
makes it even difficult to reuse code (modules): a module that
sends messages to a process named 'myniceserver' cannot easily
be reused without the module that starts and implements the
process named 'myniceserver'.
That's where Dependency Injection is necessary.
Cf. Fowler's excellent article:
The purpose of Fractal's binding controllers is essentially to
offer dependency injection, but they can do more (they can
create distributed bindings, etc.).
In Erlang, we already have bindings, although implicit, so I
believe that we need only to add a dependency injection
mechanism, as an OTP design principle.
Dependency injection would consist in having a naming domain
local to every process, and letting the mapping between
process-local names and real process names or pids be done from
outside of the process implementation (hence, the architecture
becomes a separate concern, implemented separately from
functional code).
There are two ways to do that in Erlang. Let's take gen_server as
an example.
1- constructor injection: simply pass the pids or names of all
the processes messages will be sent to, in the Args parameter,
gen_server:start_link(client1, [server1], []),
gen_server:start_link(client1, [server2], []),
gen_server:start_link(client2, [server1, server10, AnyOtherArg],
In the modules, the domain name could be implemented generically
as a dictionary in the process state:
init([FooServerName, BarServerName, Anything]) ->
Deps = dict:new(),
Deps2 = dict:store('foo', FooServerName, Deps),
Deps3 = dict:store('bar', BarServerName, Deps2),
{ok, #state{deps = Deps3, anything = Anything}}.
handle_cast(Request, State) ->
Deps = State#state.deps,
{ok, FooServerName} = dict:find('foo', Deps),
%% e.g., forward the request:
gen_server:cast(FooServerName, {hey, Request}),
{noreply, State}.
Drawback: there is no way to modify dependencies after the
process is started. This is solved with method 2-.
Alternatively, the process names could be stored directly in the
State record in that case (one record field for every
dependency), but it makes reflective access more difficult, cf.
method 2- below...
2- getter/setter/interface injection: implement gen_server calls
to get / set dependencies, i.e. to modify the process' local
naming domain. E.g.:
handle_call({getdep, Key}, From, State) ->
Deps = State#state.deps,
{reply, dict:find(Key, Deps), State};
handle_call({setdep, Key, Pid}, From, State) ->
%% should check that Key is valid...
Deps = State#state.deps,
NewDeps = dict:store(Key, Pid, Deps),
NewState = State#state{deps = NewDeps},
{reply, ok, NewState}.
Of course, it is preferable to implement both approaches
simultaneously. In addition, we could also add as in Fractal the
distinction between optional and mandatory client interfaces, and
the distinction between singleton and collection interfaces.
And maybe it would be more efficient to use the process'
dictionary directly (using get/1 and put/2)...??
Attribute control should be done the same way: through init/1
parameters, and through gen_server calls ({getattr, Attr} and
{setattr, Attr, Val}). Although both concerns seem very similar
that way, they must be separate (i.e. we must not to mix binding
and attribute control) because the callbacks have a different
semantics. For instance, when setting a dependency (setdep
call), one would like to automatically link/1 the client and the
server process.
The dependency injection implementation above is the very
minimum, but it allows many things already: transparent
interposition, application-specific distributed bindings
implemented in Erlang (e.g. one could implement a transparent
proxy process between communicating processes, to do load
balancing between several server processes, or to do group
communication transparently...), etc.
Of course, if we want to implement generic membranes as in
Fractal, we would have to add a lot of things around, but
functional modules would not have to implement more than the DI
callbacks shown above, just as in Fractal/Java.
My opinion is: KISS for developers, and be as Erlang- and
OTP-compliant as possible.
For instance, I don't like ErlCOM, which imposes a lot of
non-functional code in modules (altough the concepts are the
same as in Fractal, both being rooted in RM-ODP):
It tries to translate implementation solutions that make sense in
object-oriented, statically typed languages, into Erlang/OTP.
But I think that it does not fit Erlang/OTP well.
For instance, the idea to formally define interface signatures
statically is a good idea in static typing languages such as
Java (and I am a strong advocate of that), but does make little
sense in a dynamic language such as Erlang, in which case it
restricts flexibility for little gain.
For instance, the set of messages that can be received or sent by
an Erlang process at a given time, may change during the
process' lifetime. In RM-ODP terms, its set of server and client
interfaces mayh change over time. For instance, consider guards
in receive statements, or in handle_cast callbacks:
test(State) ->
{sayhello, Arg}
when State#state.acceptsayhello == true ->
handle_cast({sayhello, Arg}, State)
when State#state.acceptsayhello == true ->
This cannot be captured in ErlCOM or Fractal, which consider that
the set of client and server interfaces, and their signatures,
(i.e. the component's type) do not change after component
One should not impose such limitations in Erlang. So le'ts keep
it simple, stupid...
And again, I think that the only thing that should be imposed to
developers is the implementation of DI callbacks as described
Any other control should be implemented outside of the functional
modules' implementations, and even should be made optional.
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