ICFP 2006 --- Call for Papers

John Reppy jhreppy@REDACTED
Fri Feb 10 18:33:07 CET 2006

              International Conference on Functional Programming
                                 (ICFP 2006)

                               Call for Papers

                            September 18-20, 2006
                            Portland, Oregon, USA

                     Submission deadline: 7 April, 2006

ICFP 2006 seeks original papers on the art and science of functional  
Submissions are invited on all topics ranging from principles to  
practice, from
foundations to features, from abstraction to application. The scope  
includes all
languages that encourage functional programming, including both purely
applicative and imperative languages, as well as languages with  
objects and
concurrency. Particular topics of interest include:

     * Applications and domain-specific languages:  Systems  
programming, scientific
       and numerical computing, symbolic computing and artificial  
       databases, graphical user interfaces, multimedia programming,  
       scripting, system administration, distributed-systems and web  
       XML processing, security.

     * Foundations:  Formal semantics, lambda calculus, type theory,  
       continuations, control, state, effects.

     * Design:  Algorithms and data structures, modules and type  
systems, concurrency
       and distribution, components and composition, relations to  
       and logic programming.

     * Implementation:  Abstract machines, compile-time and run-time  
       just-in-time compilers, memory management. Interfaces to  
foreign functions,
       services, components and low-level machine resources.

     * Transformation and analysis:  Abstract interpretation, partial  
       program transformation.

     * Software-development techniques for functional programming:   
Design patterns,
       specification, verification, validation, debugging, test  
generation, tracing
       and profiling.

     * Practice and experience:  Functional programming in education  
and industry.

     * Functional pearls:   Elegant, instructive examples of  
functional programming.

Papers in the last two categories need not necessarily report  
original research
results; they may instead, for example, report practical experience  
that will be
useful to others, re-usable programming idioms, or elegant new ways  
of approaching
a problem.   A special issue of the Journal of Functional Programming  
will highlight
selected papers from the meeting.

Submission instructions are available at http://www.easychair.org/ 

The top submitted papers, as determined by the program committee,  
will be invited
to submit journal versions for a special issue of JFP.

Important Dates:

      Submission deadline:         7 April, 2006
      On-line response to reviews: 14 May, 2006
      Author notification:         273 May, 2006
      Camera-ready copy:           26 June, 2006


      Conference Chair:  John Reppy (University of Chicago)
      Program Chair:     Julia Lawall (DIKU)

Program Committee:

      Torben Amtoft (Kansas State University)
      Matthias Blume (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
      Robby Findler (University of Chicago)
      Alain Frisch (INRIA Rocquencourt)
      Patricia Johann (Rutgers University)
      Yukiyoshi Kameyama (University of Tsukuba)
      Andres Loh (Universitat Bonn)
      Simon Marlow (Microsoft Research Ltd.)
      Greg Morrisett (Harvard University)
      Riccardo Pucella (Northeastern University)
      Doaitse Swierstra (Utrecht University)
      Mitch Wand (Northeastern University)
      Joe Wells (Heriot-Watt University)
      Hongwei Xi (Boston University)
      Steve Zdancewic (University of Pennsylvania)

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