receive after

Robert Virding robert.virding@REDACTED
Sun Jun 5 11:28:07 CEST 2005

No, the main reason is that, for better or worse, the semicolon is a 
seperator not a terminator. For the same reason you can't have/don't 
need a semicolon before the final dot in a function definition. Consistency.


Vlad Dumitrescu XX (LN/EAB) wrote:

>From: Dietmar Schaefer
>>I am just reading
>There is a type in the documentation, the last clause in a receive or in a case must not have any semicolons after them.
>BTW, is there a compelling reason why that is so? Why not let all clauses end with semicolon? It's much easier to reorder them by simply copy-and-paste :-)
>I think I already can guess the answer - the parser would need larger lookahead to understand what's going on... Is it so?
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