peer-to-peerlang (was RE: One Million Processes)

Thomas Lindgren thomasl_erlang@REDACTED
Tue Oct 21 09:42:05 CEST 2003

--- Fredrik Linder <fredrik.linder@REDACTED>

> Another cool app would be to build a 'true'
> peer-to-peer DC network, where
> one can easily search for files on ALL connected
> machines via a neighbours'
> neighbour search. And one could build groups of
> users, just like todays
> icq/msn/aol/... with chatting, file sharing,
> diraries, events...

Peer-to-peer would be an interesting new field for
Erlang as well, technically speaking. How about a
language (-version) with lots of support for, um,
whatever the p2p-people need when they write their

Much of that could likely be written in Erlang. My
guess is that Erlang already has a lot of what one
wants (e.g., distribution, transparency), but not
quite (e.g., some measure of security/untrustedness,
millions of nodes in distribution, ...).


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