ets:to_dets/2 hanging

Vance Shipley vances@REDACTED
Wed Feb 5 22:24:48 CET 2003

In using ets:to_dets/2 to create persistent copies of some tables
I was using for tests I discovered a problem.  It seems that if I
create a table which is larger than 2MB the function ets:to_dets/2
will loop forever.


new(Size) ->
        Tid = ets:new(foo, []),
        fill(Tid, Size).

fill(Tid, 0) -> Tid;
fill(Tid, Size) ->
        ets:insert(Tid, {Size, <<0:512>>}),
        fill(Tid, (Size - 1)). 

Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.2 [64-bit] [source] [threads:0]

Eshell V5.2  (abort with ^G)
1> T1 = t:new(60000).
2> ets:info(T1, memory).
1268976                            % file is 1.2MB
3> dets:open_file(t1, []).
4> ets:to_dets(T1, t1).    
t1                                 % no problem here
5> T2 = t:new(100000).
6> ets:info(T2, memory).
2114608                            % file is 2.1MB
7> dets:open_file(t2, []).
8> ets:to_dets(T2, t2).    
                                   % never returns (afters days at least :)

This would appear to be a bug.


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