Core dump using HiPE (possibly my fault ;-))

Thierry Mallard thierry@REDACTED
Wed Feb 5 23:27:08 CET 2003


Vlad Dumitrescu helped me optimize a quick bench about computing some
numbers. You'll find the corresponding source attached to this mail.

I got a core dump when trying to run this test using HiPE :

[shaman@REDACTED test1]$ erl
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.2 [source] [hipe]

Eshell V5.2  (abort with ^G)
1> c(test1, [native, {hipe, [o3]}]).
2> test1:run(10000, 10000).
Generating list of 10000 floats ... <0.36.0>
original Test time : 107.411 seconds 
3> no next heap size found: 197920092, offset 0
                                               Aborted (core dumped)

The core dump goes away when i change the min_heap_size to 100 000
(instead of 1 000 000), so i'm not sure whereas this is a bug or simply
a bad use of min_heap_size.. 

Also, the problem stays when i didn't use the o3 flag.

The testing pc is a celeron 400 MHz, 128 MB ram, using Mandrake 9
(gcc 3.2)

Any hints welcome ! 

Kind regards,

Thierry Mallard

-------------- next part --------------
%% Erlang implementation of the TEST1 program
%% Many thanks to Luke and Cleverda for helping optimize it :-)

-export([run/2, run1/2]).
-export([loop/2, loop_1/2]). %% Export mandatory for timer:tc

%% Main function
run( Listsize, Loopcount ) ->
    spawn_opt(test1, run1, [Listsize, Loopcount], [{min_heap_size, 1000000},{fullsweep_after, 0}]).

run1(Listsize, Loopcount) ->
    Floatlist = generate_list( Listsize ),

    { Time, Value } = timer:tc( test1, loop, [ Loopcount, Floatlist ] ),
    io:format("original Test time : ~p seconds ~n", [ Time / 1.0e6 ]),

    {Time1, Value1 } = timer:tc( test1, loop_1, [ Loopcount, Floatlist ] ),
    io:format("improved Test time : ~p seconds ~n", [ Time1 / 1.0e6 ]).

%% Test loop  (recursive)
loop( 0, _ ) ->
    ok ;
loop(Loopcount, Floatlist ) ->
    loop(Loopcount - 1, change_list( Floatlist ) ).

loop_1( 0, _ ) ->
    ok ;
loop_1( Loopcount, Floatlist ) ->
    loop_1(Loopcount - 1, change_list_1( Floatlist ) ).

%% Change the list (Cleverda version)
change_list([]) -> [];
change_list([F|FloatList]) -> 
    [F*1.000234 | change_list (FloatList) ].

change_list_1(L) ->
    change_list_1(L, []).

change_list_1([], Result) -> lists:reverse(Result);
%%change_list_1([], Result) -> Result;
change_list_1([F|FloatList], Result) -> 
    change_list_1 (FloatList, [F*1.000234 | Result ]). 

%% Generate the list
generate_list( Listsize ) ->
    io:format("Generating list of ~p floats ... ", [Listsize] ),
    Floatlist = lists:duplicate( Listsize, 1.0 ),

    %% return

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