Mnesia question

Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi Chandrashekhar.Mullaparthi@REDACTED
Mon Dec 9 09:52:18 CET 2002

The error message basically is that the module trex_sh is not loaded. Check
that the module is loaded. Here is an example checking that the kernel
module is loaded.

1> m(kernel).
Module kernel compiled: Date: April 12 2002, Time: 05.57
Compiler options:  [v3,
Object file: D:\PROGRA~1\ERL51~1.1/lib/kernel-2.7.2/ebin/kernel.beam


-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Silva [mailto:carlos@REDACTED]
Sent: 06 December 2002 17:13
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Subject: Mnesia question

Hello I've just arrived to the "Erlang world" and I've been trying to
introduce myself in Mnesia DBMS.
I found a tool to give the user graphical access to the mnesia and ets
tables, called "trex-2.6.tgz - Leif Lorentzen, ", under the "User
Contributions" page. 

But I have some troubles in using it. The message that I receive from my
erlang shell is the following.

4> trex:start().
*** Could not start trex_sh! Reason:

I'm not ready to understand it yet and I will apreciate any help you could
give me about this (the answer or to whom I could contact to answer my
questions). May I copy the files in another directory? Run something else
before trex? etc.

Thank you very much, Carlos.-

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