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This module implements the OMG CosNotifyFilter::MappingFilter interface.


The main purpose of this module is to match events against associated constraints and return the value for the first constraint that returns true for the given event. If all constraints return false the default value will be returned.

To get access to the record definitions for the structures use:


_get_constraint_grammar(MappingFilter) -> Grammar


MappingFilter = #objref
Grammar = string()

This operation returns which type of Grammar the MappingFilter uses. Currently, only "EXTENDED_TCL" is supported.

_get_value_type(MappingFilter) -> CORBA::TypeCode


MappingFilter = #objref

This readonly attribute maintains the CORBA::TypeCode of the default value associated with the target object.

_get_default_value(MappingFilter) -> #any


MappingFilter = #objref

This readonly attribute maintains the #any{} default value associated with the target object.

add_mapping_constraints(MappingFilter, MappingConstraintPairSeq) -> Reply


MappingFilter = #objref
MappingConstraintPairSeq = [MappingConstraintPair]
MappingConstraintPair = #'CosNotifyFilter_MappingConstraintPair'{constraint_expression, result_to_set}
constraint_expression = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintExp'{event_types, constraint_expr}
event_types = #'CosNotification_EventTypeSeq'{}
constraint_expr = string()
result_to_set = #any
Reply = MappingConstraintInfoSeq | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_InvalidConstraint'{constr}} | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_InvalidValue'{constr, value}}
constr = ConstraintExp
ConstraintExp = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintExp'{event_types, constraint_expr}
event_types = #'CosNotification_EventTypeSeq'{}
constraint_expr = string()
MappingConstraintInfoSeq = [MappingConstraintInfo]
MappingConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_MappingConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id, value}
constraint_expression = ConstraintExp
constraint_id = long()
value = #any

This operation add new mapping constraints, which will be used when trying to override Quality of Service settings defined in the given event. If a constraint return true the associated value will be returned, otherwise the default value.

modify_constraints(MappingFilter, ConstraintIDSeq, MappingConstraintInfoSeq) -> Reply


MappingFilter = #objref
ConstraintIDSeq = [ConstraintID]
ConstraintID = long()
MappingConstraintInfoSeq = [MappingConstraintInfo]
MappingConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_MappingConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id, value}
constraint_expression = ConstraintExp
constraint_id = long()
value = #any
ConstraintInfoSeq = [ConstraintInfo]
ConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id}
constraint_expression = ConstraintExp
constraint_id = long()
Reply = ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_InvalidConstraint'{constr}} | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintNotFound'{id}} | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_InvalidValue'{constr, value}}
constr = ConstraintExp
id = long()
value = #any
ConstraintExp = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintExp'{event_types, constraint_expr}
event_types = #'CosNotification_EventTypeSeq'{}
constraint_expr = string()

The ConstraintIDSeq supplied should relate to constraints the caller wishes to remove. If any of the supplied Id's are not found an exception will be raised. This operation also accepts a sequence of MappingConstraintInfo which will be added. If the target object cannot modify the constraints as requested an exception is raised describing which constraint, and why, could not be updated.

get_mapping_constraints(MappingFilter, ConstraintIDSeq) -> Reply


MappingFilter = #objref
ConstraintIDSeq = [ConstraintID]
ConstraintID = long()
Reply = MappingConstraintInfoSeq | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintNotFound'{id}}
MappingConstraintInfoSeq = [MappingConstraintInfo]
MappingConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_MappingConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id, value}
constraint_expression = ConstraintExp
ConstraintExp = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintExp'{event_types, constraint_expr}
event_types = #'CosNotification_EventTypeSeq'{}
constraint_expr = string()
constraint_id = id = long()
value = #any

When adding a new constraint a unique Id is returned, which is accepted as input for this operation. The associated constraint is returned, but if no such Id exists an exception is raised.

get_all_mapping_constraints(MappingFilter) -> MappingConstraintInfoSeq


MappingFilter = #objref
MappingConstraintInfoSeq = [MappingConstraintInfo]
MappingConstraintInfo = #'CosNotifyFilter_MappingConstraintInfo'{constraint_expression, constraint_id, value}
constraint_expression = ConstraintExp
ConstraintExp = #'CosNotifyFilter_ConstraintExp'{event_types, constraint_expr}
event_types = #'CosNotification_EventTypeSeq'{}
constraint_expr = string()
constraint_id = long()
value = #any

This operation returns a sequence of all unique Id's associated with the target object. If no constraint have been added the sequence will be empty.

remove_all_mapping_constraints(MappingFilter) -> ok


MappingFilter = #objref

This operation removes all constraints associated with the target object.

destroy(MappingFilter) -> ok


MappingFilter = #objref

This operation terminates the target object. Remember to remove this Filter from the objects it have been associated with.

match(MappingFilter, Event) -> Reply


MappingFilter = #objref
Event = #any
Reply = {boolean(), #any} | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_UnsupportedFilterableData'{}}

This operation evaluates Any events with the Filter's constraints, and returns the value to use. The value is the default value if all constraints returns false and the value associated with the first constraint returning true.

match_structured(MappingFilter, Event) -> Reply


MappingFilter = #objref
Event = #'CosNotification_StructuredEvent'{}
Reply = {boolean(), #any} | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyFilter_UnsupportedFilterableData'{}}

Similar to match/2 but accepts a structured event as input.