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Version 1.1.20

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This module export functions which return QoS and Admin Properties constants.


To get access to all definitions include necessary hrl files by using:


'EventReliability'() -> string()

This function returns the EventReliability QoS identifier

'BestEffort'() -> short()

This function returns the BestEffort QoS value.

'Persistent'() -> short()

This function returns the Persistent QoS value.

'ConnectionReliability'() -> string()

This function returns the ConnectionReliability QoS identifier.

'Priority'() -> string()

This function returns the Priority QoS identifier.

'LowestPriority'() -> short()

This function returns the LowestPriority QoS value.

'HighestPriority'() -> short()

This function returns the HighestPriority QoS value.

'DefaultPriority'() -> short()

This function returns the DefaultPriority QoS value.

'StartTime'() -> string()

This function returns the StartTime QoS identifier.

'StopTime'() -> string()

This function returns the StopTime QoS identifier.

'Timeout'() -> string()

This function returns the Timeout QoS identifier.

'OrderPolicy'() -> string()

This function returns the OrderPolicy QoS identifier.

'AnyOrder'() -> short()

This function returns the AnyOrder QoS value.

'FifoOrder'() -> short()

This function returns the FifoOrder QoS value.

'PriorityOrder'() -> short()

This function returns the PriorityOrder QoS value.

'DeadlineOrder'() -> short()

This function returns the DeadlineOrder QoS value.

'DiscardPolicy'() -> string()

This function returns the DiscardPolicy QoS identifier.

'LifoOrder'() -> short()

This function returns the LifoOrder QoS value.

'RejectNewEvents'() -> short()

This function returns the RejectNewEvents QoS value.

'MaximumBatchSize'() -> string()

This function returns the MaximumBatchSize QoS identifier.

'PacingInterval'() -> string()

This function returns the PacingInterval QoS identifier.

'StartTimeSupported'() -> string()

This function returns the StartTimeSupported QoS identifier.

'StopTimeSupported'() -> string()

This function returns the StopTimeSupported QoS identifier.

'MaxEventsPerConsumer'() -> string()

This function returns the MaxEventsPerConsumer QoS identifier.

'MaxQueueLength'() -> string()

This function returns the MaxQueueLength Admin identifier.

'MaxConsumers'() -> string()

This function returns the MaxConsumers Admin identifier.

'MaxSuppliers'() -> string()

This function returns the MaxSuppliers Admin identifier.