Performance of mnesia:select/2
Fri Feb 26 15:12:15 CET 2021
assuming that the match spec compiler does clever things with patterns,
I'd use select with the following
MatchExpression = [ {{'_', K, '_'}, [], ['$_']} || K <- Keys ]
If did some quick measurements with plain ETS, timer:tc and 500 keys out
of 1000000 table entries and got:
* using pattern, [ordered_set]: 4532605 us
* using pattern, [set] : 4645525 us
* using pattern, [ordered_set, {keypos, 2}]: 3826 us (!!!)
* using pattern, [set, {keypos, 2}]: 5714 us (!!!)
* using guards, [ordered_set]: 12542928 us
* using guards, [set]: 12310452 us
* using guards, [ordered_set, {keypos, 2}]: 12365477 us
* using guards, [set, {keypos, 2}]: 12277839 us
I have initialised the DB with [ ets:insert(t, {N, N,
integer_to_list(N)}) || N <- lists:seq(1, 1000000) ].
I don't know though, how this will translate to Mnesia, but I'd give
select with pattern on the primary key a try.
On 2/26/21 11:03 AM, Vance Shipley wrote:
> If I need to lookup a list of keys which is the better approach? Why?
> Fselect = fun(Keys) ->
> MatchHead = {'_', '$1', '$2'},
> F = fun(Key) ->
> {'=:=', '$1', Key}
> end,
> MatchConditions = [list_to_tuple(['or' | lists:map(F, Keys)]),
> MatchBody = ['$_'],
> MatchFunction = {MatchHead, MatchConditions, MatchBody},
> MatchExpression = [MatchFunction],
> mnesia:select(Table, MatchExpression)
> end,
> mnesia:transaction(Fselect, [Keys]).
> Fread = fun F([Key | T], Acc) ->
> [R] = mnesia:read(Table, Key),
> F(T, [R | Acc]);
> F([], Acc) ->
> lists:reverse(Acc)
> end,
> mnesia:transaction(Fread, [Keys. []]).
> --
> -Vance
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