Sv: ssh forwardagent

Hans Nilsson R hans.r.nilsson@REDACTED
Mon May 11 13:54:42 CEST 2020

If you mean the OpenSSL command

  ssh -J proxy_host  final_host

it is possible with OTP-23.0 (to be released soon).

I started an erlang ssh daemon:

    ssh:daemon(1236, [{tcpip_tunnel_in,true}, {system_dir,DIR}]).

and then wrote in a bash shell:

     ssh -J localhost:1236  user@REDACTED -p port

The result was a shell on 'some_host.xy:port' as user 'user'.  The keys was not fetched by the erlang/ssh server.

Från: erlang-questions <erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED> för Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED>
Skickat: den 10 maj 2020 10:22
Till: Erlang-Questions Questions <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
Ämne: ssh forwardagent

I wonder if it is possible to make ssh agent forwarding with erlang ssh system.

We have ssh-proxy server: user connects to proxy with his own
key-pair, then server connects to customer server with his own secret

User cannot get private key of this connection.

Question is: how to forward original keypair to customer server?
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