Building Erlang on Windows - crypto fails

Matt Myers matt.myers.real@REDACTED
Mon Jun 8 20:20:03 CEST 2020

I've been able to successfully build Erlang from master (OTP 24 rc0) on
Windows, but the crypto module is always failing (see note below).
I've built OpenSSL 1.1.1g successfully, and a test application built in C
works OK.

Would it be possible to get the config options used in building the
official Windows release of Erlang? Or where can I go to find that?
Maybe there is something simple that I'm missing.

Here are the options I'm using:

> --host=win32
> --enable-sctp
> --enable-smp-support
> --enable-threads
> --enable-builtin-zlib
> --enable-dynamic-ssl-lib
> --with-ssl=/c/build/openssl/release/1.1.1g
> --disable-hipe
> --disable-kernel-poll
> --disable-fp-exceptions
> --without-javac
> --with-wxdir=/c/opt/local64/pgm/wxWidgets-3.1.3/lib/vc_x64_lib

Also, I must say, building on Windows seems much improved from previous OTP
versions. The fact that Visual Studio 2019 is working is a big help. Many
thanks to whoever did that!

Thanks and best regards,

Errors when trying to start crypto:

> Eshell V11.0.2  (abort with ^G)
> 1> crypto:start().
> =ERROR REPORT==== 8-Jun-2020::11:01:05.121000 ===
> Unable to load crypto library. Failed with error:
> "load_failed, Failed to load NIF library c:/Program
> Files/erl-24.0-rc0-e/lib/crypto-4.7/priv/lib/crypto: 'The specified module
> could not be found.'"
> OpenSSL might not be installed on this system.
> =WARNING REPORT==== 8-Jun-2020::11:01:05.168000 ===
> The on_load function for module crypto returned:
> {error,{load_failed,"Failed to load NIF library c:/Program
> Files/erl-24.0-rc0-e/lib/crypto-4.7/priv/lib/crypto: 'The specified module
> could not be found.'"}}
> ** exception error: undefined function crypto:start/0
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