Deduct "New List" with "new Value" only for some "specific Tag", from Old List, using "List Comprehension".

Papa Tana papa.tana101@REDACTED
Sun Jul 19 09:59:31 CEST 2020


Thanks for your answer.

> Sorry, I didn't see you required list comprehension. Don't know why you have
> this requirement, though - many other ways to do it.

This T list is just a dummy example.

I have this requirement because in real life, I have 125 types of list
"REQ" compound of {Tag, Value}.
I need to process some tags inside them, transform, and answer back
with a response "RESP".

create_response(<<1, REQ/binary>>) ->
 Length = [ integer_to_list(V,16) || {T,V} <- REQ , T == length ],
 Charging_Characteristics = [ V || {T,V} <- REQ , T ==
charging_characteristics ],
 Protocols_Configurations_Payload = [ V || {T,V} <- REQ , T ==
protocols_configurations ],
 QoS_Payload = [ V || {T,V} <- REQ , T == qos ],....

create_response(<<125, REQ/binary>>) ->
 SelectionMode = [ V || {T,V} <- REQ , T == selection_mode ],
 TearDownIndication = [ V || {T,V} <- REQ , T == teardown_indication ],
 User_Location_Information_Payload = [ V || {T,V} <- REQ , T ==
user_location_information ],..........

So, I have to change;
 - new Length depending on Old Length input,
 - new Charging_Characteristics depending on Input of Charging_Characteristics,
 - new Protocols_Configurations_Payload depending on Old
Protocols_Configurations_Payload Input,
 - QoS_Payload depending on QoS_Payload input,
 - etc...

After trying to create a lot of anonymous function to process each
desired Tag inside 125 different type of request, I was thinking that
List comprehension using some filter would be succinct and easy to

Best Regards,

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