Binary String pattern matching

Håkan Huss huss01@REDACTED
Thu Dec 10 10:01:40 CET 2020

For lists there is no way. For binaries it is actually possible using

currency_to_credits({cur, V}, Acc) when binary_part(V, {byte_size(V), -3})
== <<"CHF">>,
                                        binary_part(V, {0, byte_size(V) -
3}) >= <<"1000">>,
                                        binary_part(V, {0, byte_size(V) -
3}) =< <<"10000">> ->
  {chf, Acc + binary_to_integer(binary:part(V, {0, byte_size(V) - 3}))};

However, I would argue that it's much more readable if you split the binary
in currency_to_credits and pass on the parts to a helper function that
handles the logic.

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