Configure Emacs for Erlang development

Tristan Sloughter t@REDACTED
Mon Nov 4 16:16:25 CET 2019

Hey, that is from my config in adoptingerlang but I don't have it currently separated out and published. Though I did do that at one point to test this and hopefully can find that and I will upload that file and link to it from adoptingerlang.

I don't have a good answer for you right now, sadly when I see errors like that I tend to just keep refershing the Emacs and package registry and updating the packages... sometimes having to uninstall and reinstall packages and eventually it works.

Emacs package management is not the best.. hehe, as far as I know you can't specify a version of a package and can't lock dependencies.


On Mon, Nov 4, 2019, at 06:30, by wrote:
> Hi,
> I followed the guide with link (From Adopting Erlang):
> Seems "ivy-erlang-complete" is not properly configured.
> Here is some environment information:
> Erlang version: Erlang/OTP 22.1.4
> Emacs version: GNU Emacs 25.3.1
> And here is my related ~/.emacs configuration for Erlang:
> ====
> ;; for ivy-erlang-complete 
> (use-package ivy-erlang-complete
> :ensure t)
> ;; for delight 
> (use-package delight
> :ensure t)
> ;; for flycheck 
> (use-package flycheck
> :ensure t
> :delight
> :config (global-flycheck-mode))
> ;; for erlang 
> (use-package erlang
> :load-path (“/<PATH>/lib/erlang/lib/tools-3.2.1/emacs")
> :hook (after-save . ivy-erlang-complete-reparse)
> :custom (ivy-erlang-complete-erlang-root "/<PATH>/lib/erlang")
> :config (ivy-erlang-complete-init)
> :mode (("\\.erl?$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("rebar\\.config$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("relx\\.config$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("sys\\.config\\.src$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("sys\\.config$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("\\.config\\.src?$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("\\.config\\.script?$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("\\.hrl?$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("\\.app?$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("\\.app.src?$" . erlang-mode)
>  ("\\Emakefile" . erlang-mode)))
> ====
> When I restart my emacs with above configuration, I got error message as below:
> ====
> Error (use-package): erlang/:config: Symbol’s function definition is void: ivy-erlang-complete-setup-flycheck
> ====
> I have no clue about what happened.
> An example ~/.emacs file related to Erlang would be very helpful.
> I searched it with Google, but seems no typical configuration demo/example exist for configuring Emacs with Erlang.
> By the way, I want to ask: what kind of editor configuration do you use to develop Erlang every day?
> Yao
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