[erlang-questions] Process migration— Mickey-the-Dunce dives in over his head

Lloyd R. Prentice lloyd@REDACTED
Sun Mar 17 18:51:53 CET 2019

Process migration — Mickey-the-Dunce dives in over his head

In the spirit of dilettantish curiosity I looked into Linux containers. Wow, I thought— Linux computers, as many as I want that I can move around across hardware hosts as freely as I want, subject to availability of suitable host nodes. Naive, yes,  I know.

That intellectual sojourn led me to Kubernetes. Way cool! Now we can automate cluster management and optimize and resource allocation and ensure scalability and reliability, at least so far as I understand it. And more, all the cool kids are well on board, cheering.

But then, I started wondering about Erlang processes— how do they compare and contrast with Linux containers? What might a Kubernetes-like system based on Erlang processes look like? Is such a beast even possible?

My friend Google turned up these links:

    Sadly, behind a paywall

Along the way, I stumbled through many posts and papers dealing with the challenges of distributed computing. I understood the challenges part well enough, but the proposed solutions not so much.

So my questions:

Is any on-going work along these lines either academic or commercial?
Is it a fruitful line to pursue?
If so, are the technical challenges?

All the best,


Sent from my iPad
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