[erlang-questions] Recommendations re beam files
Sat Mar 16 13:37:00 CET 2019
/code:add_path(DIRECTORY)/, adds the directory to the list of
directories where ERTS would look for a beam file.
To view the list of directories which are currently in this list,
you can use :
/ code:get_path()./
//In addition to this, the following caution is needed :
/ If there are multiple beams having the same name. The beam in
the directory which occurs first in the list is loaded for execution by
the ERTS./
/ There are additional calls in the code module./
/ Which would aid in the addition of the directory towards the
beginning of the list
/ code:add_patha(DIRECTORY).
/ For including the directory in the end of the list use
Hope this helps you Donald, Cheers ! ..
On 16-03-2019 05:52 PM, Donald Steven wrote:
> Thanks Adhi. Can you please tell me how to do this; I don't
> understand what you mean by "... using code module". Thx.
> On 3/16/2019 7:35 AM, Adhiyaman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can set the code path using code module. This tell the ERTS
>> where to locate your beams in case you've moved them from the default
>> lib directory.
>> -Adhi
>> On 16-03-2019 04:44 PM, Eric Pailleau wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Move them to a project for all common things, and add a dependancy
>>> to it in all your projects.
>>> This way you can specify which version you need.
>>> Envoyé depuis mon mobile
>>> ---- Donald Steven a écrit ----
>>> To this point (I'm new at this) I've been keeping beam files for the
>>> modules I need in the same directory as the main module. This makes
>>> sense for those modules that are closely allied to the main module and
>>> unlikely to be used or modified for other programs. However, I have a
>>> core set of modules that are used by all my programs. I'd like to keep
>>> these together and in *one* place so that they're easier to maintain.
>>> Also, I don't want to have multiple copies floating around.
>>> How do I specify to the compiler where to find them? (I use Linux.)
>>> Thanks.
>>> Don
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