[erlang-questions] VM leaking memory

Frank Muller frank.muller.erl@REDACTED
Fri Feb 1 17:11:11 CET 2019

I tried two solutions to reduce the memory usage of the problematic process:

1. calling garbage:collect/0 after processing N packets (varying N=10..128).
Nothing changed at all and the bin_alloc memory stayed fragmented as you
can see:

The call to instrument:carriers/0:

The call to instrument:allocations/0:

2. Hibernating the process after processing N packets (varying N=10..128).
The HIT rates went above 90% immediately.

What is the effect of hibernating this process on the long term?
This process is receiving about ~1200 packets/sec under normal load and can
reach ~3000 packets/sec under heavy load.

Is there a better way of solving the problem by tweeting the bin allocator

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