[erlang-questions] Coon - new tool for building Erlang packages, dependency management and deploying Erlang services

Mon Feb 12 18:08:31 CET 2018

On 2018年2月12日月曜日 12時04分22秒 JST Eric des Courtis wrote:
> For what it's worth I didn't know coon was a racial slur. I really assumed
> it meant raccoon and I am from Ontario Canada.
> I don't really care personally if the name gets changed. But judging by how
> much time has already been wasted discussing this I think it would be wise
> for the author to change the name.

Aversion is much more rewarding than engagement.
Especially these days.

> It's really sad that we live in a society where people are so sensitive to
> this. Where I alive I think it is assumed nobody is racist.


There it is, the nail right on the head.

I live in a place where *I* am the one racially disparaged by default. And yet the safest assumption is that MOST people view my work in isolation of my ethnic origin, which so far has been true in every case where it actually mattered at all.


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