[erlang-questions] cowboy_static / file:sendfile

Steve Strong steve@REDACTED
Wed Dec 12 16:40:53 CET 2018


I’m seeing a potential issue with file:sendfile if the client shuts down the connection.  My setup is a cowboy server with a simple cowboy_static endpoint, and a rate-limited curl as the client - if I start the curl download and then ctrl-c curl before it completes, cowboy sits hung inside the call to sendfile.  

I inspected the cowboy process as follows:

(file_encoder@REDACTED)83> P = processes().

%% Run curl and ctrl-c in a separate window…

(file_encoder@REDACTED)84> erlang:process_info(hd(processes() -- P), [current_function, messages]).

This process looks doomed to live forever - it is stuck in prim_inet:sendfile_1 on the following receive:

        {sendfile, S, {ok, SentLow, SentHigh}} ->
          {ok, SentLow bor (SentHigh bsl 32)};
        {sendfile, S, {error, Reason}} ->
          {error, Reason};
        {'EXIT', S, _Reason} ->
          {error, closed}

The port that it had opened, 0.266, has closed so there will never be an exit message:

(file_encoder@REDACTED)89> erlang:ports().

I’m guessing the process wasn’t linked with the port, or it would have received the exit message and all would have been well.  Unsure if this is a cowboy or prim_inet bug, or indeed if I’ve done something wrong.  Any ideas?



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