[erlang-questions] Where to configure & start mnesia in a release?

Igor Clark igor.clark@REDACTED
Tue Apr 17 00:30:32 CEST 2018

Thanks Jesper, that makes sense. So people tend to use a helper (I guess 
an escript?) which sets up the database schema & tables and then they 
start the app.

When you say "configuration is embedded in the release", do you mean the 
mnesia conf goes in the config/sys.config at the top level of the 
release? Does that mean that all the OTP apps included in the release 
have to use the same mnesia conf?


On 16/04/2018 10:55, Jesper Louis Andersen wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 1:48 PM Igor Clark <igor.clark@REDACTED 
> <mailto:igor.clark@REDACTED>> wrote:
>     How do I set mnesia application environment variables in the release
>     project? (Or, maybe, how do I get the OTP application to be able to
>     access the release project's application environment variables?)
> [..]
>     Also, I realise I could be going about this the wrong way - maybe
>     mnesia
>     should be configured inside the specific OTP app, even under a
>     release?
> One way of going at it, written some time ago when I wrote the GraphQL 
> tutorial: https://shopgun.github.io/graphql-erlang-tutorial/#_plan
> [Quote]
> A common problem people run into with Mnesia is how to “get started”. 
> What people often resort to are solutions where an initial database is 
> created if it doesn’t exist. These solutions are often brittle.
> Here, we pick another solution. A helper can create a database schema 
> for us, with all the necessary tables. The real release /assumes/ the 
> presence of an initial database and won’t boot without one. This means 
> the Erlang release is simpler. There is always some database from 
> which it can boot and operate. That database might be the empty 
> database since we are just starting out. But in particular, the 
> release won’t concern itself with creating an initial database. Rather 
> it will assume one is already existing.
> The situation is not much different than using a traditional 
> schema-oriented database. Usually, you have to create the database 
> first, and then populate the schema with some initial data. It is just 
> because of Rails/Django like systems in which databases are 
> migrate-established, we’ve started using different models.
> [EndQuote]
> Mnesia is part of your release and is started as part of your release, 
> but its configuration is embedded within the release. This avoids the 
> whole problem of creation-if-not-exist, which is probably not a good 
> solution for a database schema, I think. It is convenient... until it 
> accidentally the whole database you had.

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