[erlang-questions] Mnesia deleting log file

Arun arunp@REDACTED
Wed Nov 22 05:16:23 CET 2017

Dear all,

I've a program written in erlang which uses Mnesia application as the 
database application. I've a table created by name "configuration_table" 
which stores

certain configurations that need to be persistent. Occasionally, 
whenever I restart my program the following error is thrown by mnesia 
and I end up losing

all the persistent configurations.

I've searched about this problem in the erlang documentation and all it 
tells is "Node not running". What could be the probable cause for this 

and how do I fix it?

Mnesia('test@REDACTED'): Data may be missing, Corrupt logfile deleted: 
"/home/utl/mnesia_database/configuration_table.DCL", {node_not_running,

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