[erlang-questions] Testing data with subsets using QuickCheck

Alex S. alex0player@REDACTED
Thu May 11 15:21:42 CEST 2017

I think it’s supposed to describe the data set or something. “Can generate from elements of L."
> 11 мая 2017 г., в 16:15, Krzysztof Jurewicz <krzysztof.jurewicz@REDACTED> написал(а):
> Jesper Louis Andersen writes:
>> On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 8:27 PM Alex S. <alex0player@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Remember that you can generate a random element of the list using built-in
>>> generators. I think this would be the most natural approach.
>> gen_alex() ->
>>    ?LET(L, non_empty(list(nat())),
>>      {L, elements(L)}).
> Thank you. Somehow I haven’t noticed the existence of elements/1 generator. (Why is it named in plural)?

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