[erlang-questions] Patch Package OTP 19.3.3 Released

Zandra Norman zandra.norman@REDACTED
Wed May 3 09:33:07 CEST 2017

Patch Package:           OTP 19.3.3
Git Tag:                 OTP-19.3.3
Date:                    2017-05-02
Trouble Report Id:       OTP-14360, OTP-14363, OTP-14368, OTP-14383
Seq num:
System:                  OTP
Release:                 19
Application:             dialyzer-3.1.1, erts-8.3.3, inets-6.3.8
Predecessor:             OTP 19.3.2

 Check out the git tag OTP-19.3.3, and build a full OTP system
 including documentation. Apply one or more applications from this
 build as patches to your installation using the 'otp_patch_apply'
 tool. For information on install requirements, see descriptions for
 each application version below.

 --- dialyzer-3.1.1 --------------------------------------------------

 Note! The dialyzer-3.1.1 application can *not* be applied
       independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 19

       On a full OTP 19 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- hipe-3.15.4 (first satisfied in OTP 19.3)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-14368    Application(s): dialyzer

               Report unknown types properly. A bug was introduced in
               Erlang/OTP 19.3, where warnings about unknown types
               were simply discarded.

 Full runtime dependencies of dialyzer-3.1.1: compiler-7.0, erts-8.0,
 hipe-3.15.4, kernel-5.0, stdlib-3.0, syntax_tools-2.0, wx-1.2

 --- erts-8.3.3 ------------------------------------------------------

 Note! The erts-8.3.3 application can *not* be applied independently
       of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 19 installation.

       On a full OTP 19 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- sasl-3.0.1 (first satisfied in OTP 19.1)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-14360    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): ERL-401, PR-1417

               Fixed memory segment cache used for multiblock
               carriers. Huge (> 2GB) memory segments could cause a VM
               crash. Creation of such huge memory segments used for
               multiblock carriers is however very uncommon.

  OTP-14363    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): OTP-14290

               Fix release note for OTP-14290 in ERTS version 8.3.1.
               It was erroneously placed under "Known Bugs and

 Full runtime dependencies of erts-8.3.3: kernel-5.0, sasl-3.0.1,

 --- inets-6.3.8 -----------------------------------------------------

 The inets-6.3.8 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 19 installation.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-14383    Application(s): inets

               Added missing release note for inets-6.3.7

 Full runtime dependencies of inets-6.3.8: erts-6.0, kernel-3.0,
 mnesia-4.12, runtime_tools-1.8.14, ssl-5.3.4, stdlib-2.0

 --- Thanks to -------------------------------------------------------

 Mikael Pettersson

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