[erlang-questions] Client to concurrently receive and sending data on TCP socket

Dave Kuhlman dkuhlman@REDACTED
Fri Mar 17 22:21:58 CET 2017

It sounds like chapter 3 of the book "Erlang and OTP in action", by
Martin Logan et al, would be helpful to you.  The book is very
worthwhile, and you can also find the source code for the solutions
to the problems discuss in the book (including "TCP-based RPC
server" from chapter 3) at github:


Here is a bit of summary of the chapter:

    "What you're creating -- The RPC server will allow you to listen
    on a TCP socket and accept a single connection from an outside
    TCP client.  After it's connected, it will let a client run
    functions via a simple ASCII text protocol over TCP. ..."


On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 10:18:56PM +0000, Thomas Elsgaard wrote:
>    Hi
>    I am looking into building an client application which connects to an
>    existing server via an TCP socket. When the application has established
>    the socket it must keep it open, and  receive and send requests
>    (concurrently) around 2000 Req/s. 
>    What is the best design for such an application? Like:
>    - active or passive socket ?
>    - gen_server ?
>    - how many processes ?
>    - supervison tree ?
>    I have found examples of server and clients, but not an client which
>    concurrently sends and receives data on the socket, does there exist
>    anything similar applications i can look at ?
>    Thomas

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Dave Kuhlman

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