[erlang-questions] Client to concurrently receive and sending data on TCP socket

John Doe donpedrothird@REDACTED
Fri Mar 17 17:58:52 CET 2017

This https://github.com/brigadier/tara/blob/master/src/tara_worker.erl
client concurrently sends and receives data. The protocol is supposed to be
standard request -> reply, but replies are send asynchronously (though with
little to no delay) with the IDs of the request. It uses gen_server with
async handle_call which returns {noreply, Reason}
If I misunderstood what you mean by 'concurrently', then might be you just
need a pool of such clients.

2017-03-17 1:18 GMT+03:00 Thomas Elsgaard <thomas.elsgaard@REDACTED>:

> Hi
> I am looking into building an client application which connects to an
> existing server via an TCP socket. When the application has established the
> socket it must keep it open, and  receive and send requests (concurrently)
> around 2000 Req/s.
> What is the best design for such an application? Like:
> - active or passive socket ?
> - gen_server ?
> - how many processes ?
> - supervison tree ?
> I have found examples of server and clients, but not an client which
> concurrently sends and receives data on the socket, does there exist
> anything similar applications i can look at ?
> Thomas
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