[erlang-questions] compile and install from source? Where is this documented?

Dennis Clarke dclarke@REDACTED
Mon Jul 31 11:31:22 CEST 2017

Just curious about the process for building from sources. I have been
looking around http://erlang.org/doc/search/ and I did find :


Excellent. I have otp_src_20.0 and in there I see a "HOWTO" with some
docs. Those claim that one must have either gcc or clang as the 
compiler.  Is the code not C99 portable? Can I try to compile it with a
strict C99 compiler ?   Is there a testsuite to verify the results?

I see a link for "Please have a look at the Known platform issues
chapter before you start. " but that link goes no where.  Is there such
a page somewhere ?

Thank you for any help I can receive here.


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