[erlang-questions] Strange Dialyzer behavior when matching record fields with opaque types
Nick Marino
Wed Jan 18 17:24:04 CET 2017
Hi Kostis,
Thanks for the quick and helpful response! Glad I'm not crazy after all :).
That all makes sense, and in my original use case that uncovered this, I'm
fine with just commenting out the unused code for now.
I also just uncovered a related(?) issue, in case anyone is interested: in
my example code, I found that changing #b{} to #a{} in the call to
add_element actually causes Dialyzer to crash. Here's the error message:
Proceeding with analysis...{"init terminating in
<{'b', Queue}, Key,
I'm tempted to try and debug this myself, but I'm not sure I have the
necessary skills and background to safely make changes to a tool like
Dialyzer. Figured I should leave this one to the experts ;). (Though if
anyone with more experience than myself would like to point me in the right
direction, I suppose I could take a stab at it - I just don't want to
accidentally end up breaking something I don't understand.)
Anyway, thanks again!
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 6:07 PM, Kostis Sagonas <kostis@REDACTED> wrote:
> On 01/17/2017 11:18 PM, Nick Marino wrote:
>> I recently encountered a rather strange, unexpected Dialyzer error. I'm
>> unsure if this might be considered a Dialyzer bug, or if I'm just
>> missing some key piece of knowledge that would help me understand what's
>> going on here.
>> I took the code that generated the warning and pruned it down down to
>> this:
>> -module(opaque_weirdness).
>> -export([public_func/0]).
>> -record(a, {
>> d = dict:new() :: dict:dict()
>> }).
>> -record(b, {
>> q = queue:new() :: queue:queue()
>> }).
>> public_func() ->
>> add_element(#b{}, my_key, my_value).
>> add_element(#a{d = Dict}, Key, Value) ->
>> dict:store(Key, Value, Dict);
>> add_element(#b{q = Queue}, Key, Value) ->
>> queue:in({Key, Value}, Queue).
>> Which yields the following warning when I run it through Dialyzer:
>> opaque_weirdness.erl:16: The attempt to match a term of type
>> #b{q::queue:queue(_)} against the pattern {'a', Dict} breaks the
>> opaqueness of queue:queue(_)
>> It seems like this warning is somehow being triggered by the presence of
>> the unused function clause in add_element. If I modify the code and add
>> a line to public_func so that we use both clauses, then Dialyzer passes
>> with no warnings.
> Your analysis is pretty correct. The issue is related to dead code and
> the warning you get is indeed confusing and weird. This should be fixed in
> dialyzer. Till then, you can suppress it either by commenting the unused
> first clause, which is dead code in your module, or by exporting function
> add_element/3.
> What roughly happens here is that Dialyzer gets confused by the fact that
> the first clause will not be used and marks its arguments as having the
> type none(), i.e. not contributing to the inferred success typing. Then the
> warning pass sees the none() in the first argument of the clause and thinks
> it has been produced due to the call to add_element being with a record
> with a different opaque subterm: these opacity violations are also denoted
> by/resulting in the none() type. But the pattern matching failure is on
> the #a{} vs. #b{} level, not on their subterms (fields).
> Dialyzer _should_ issue a warning for this line, but the correct warning
> to issue here is something along the lines of:
> opaque_weirdness.erl:16: The attempt to match a term of type
> #b{q::queue:queue(_)} against the pattern {'a', Dict} will not succeed
> or that this clause will not be used since the success typing arguments of
> this function are (#b{}, _, _)
> Kostis
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