[erlang-questions] Erlang basic doubts about String, message passing and context switching overhead

Kenneth Lakin kennethlakin@REDACTED
Tue Jan 10 21:48:31 CET 2017

On 01/10/2017 12:03 PM, Hugo Mills wrote:
>    This is the "receive" expression. It runs a set of matches against
> the mailbox and returns the first matching message.

I think of receive as being similar to select(2). You have a data source
you're interested in pulling data from (your mailbox), and you can
choose to either wait up to a certain amount of time for new data
(receive ... after T ...) or you can block your process until new data
appears. Of course -as you mention- receive lets you pattern match on
messages, so you aren't forced to process messages that are not of interest.

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