[erlang-questions] url query string encode/decode

Krzysztof Jurewicz krzysztof.jurewicz@REDACTED
Fri Dec 15 10:00:56 CET 2017

> There is any library that allows you to encode a proplist into a query
> string and the other way around.
> Most of libraries I saw are not working because for example lists of
> properties are failing like:
> [{<<"a">>, [1,2,3]}]

cowlib’s cow_qs:parse_qs/1 and cow_qs:qs/1 should do the job:

3> cow_qs:parse_qs(<<"a=b&a=c">>).
4> cow_qs:qs(cow_qs:parse_qs(<<"a=b&a=c">>)).
5> cow_qs:parse_qs(<<"a=b&c">>).

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