[erlang-questions] QuickCheck module for testing the new string module

Michael Truog mjtruog@REDACTED
Sun Apr 9 23:29:19 CEST 2017

On 04/09/2017 02:48 AM, Krzysztof Jurewicz wrote:
> Benoit Chesneau writes:
>> what is the issue in using a tool using the gpl3 license? it's not like you
>> will include in your code.
> You have to include PropEr header file which is licensed under GPL v3. (I’m not saying that there would be no licensing problems if this file was not included).
>> Anyway how does triq compare? does it provides the same level of features.
> I would guess that PropEr is technically superior to triq, but I have no systematic comparison to prove it.
Using PropEr as a build/test dependency is similar to relying on autoconf (under GPL license), but it would be more ideal to have triq usage within the Erlang/OTP installation, to be used like QuickCheck is used in Haskell, i.e., for any testing without restriction.  Having repeatable tests is an important part of science, so this is a very basic, fundamental concern.

Best Regards,

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