[erlang-questions] wXWidgets

Joe Armstrong erlang@REDACTED
Fri Oct 28 16:20:34 CEST 2016

On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 4:16 PM, zxq9 <zxq9@REDACTED> wrote:
> On 2016年10月28日 金曜日 13:53:45 Joe Armstrong wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Has anybody made a library of high level abstractions to be
>> used on-top of wxWidgets?
> Hi, Joe.
> I have two tiny libraries that I have been slowly putting my most
> common GUI abstractions into.

Thanks - I shall take a look a most worthy effort ...


> https://github.com/zxq9/zxWidgets
> This is the GUI abstractions -- basically meta-widgets built from wx
> parts. Like a yes/no modals that return actual booleans instead of
> building one each time from buttons/images/references, and grid
> structure boxes with headers and labels you can pass in as two lists
> and get the constructed reference back (along with a function for
> looping through the results, etc.). It is very basic and still lacks
> some of the more interesting things I want to do (like 2D and 3D
> paint frames within which abstract widget drawing functions can be
> used -- basically taking a page out of game widget libs).
> Jumptext [imaginary URL goes here]
> This one does i18n, and they work together to refresh the skin,
> text strings, manage the text strings, etc. It is still unreleased
> because it is in a vague legal status (I wrote it, but do I own it if it
> was on contract? etc). I will need the same thing later anyway, so I'll
> probably wind up re-writing nearly the same thing again and putting it
> up.
> The glaring omission is the gen_gui behavior I've yet to include in
> zxWidgets. There is a very straightforward pattern I've established
> for getting the core wx bits up and running, and passing the unhandled
> wx* messages through to a callback module, but I've just not gotten
> around to formalizing it as a module yet. Which is silly of me, but
> this is all unpaid work. :-(
>> The wxWidget library is very low level - and many of the manual pages
>> say "see external documentation" and just point into the C++ documentation.
>> I took a quick peep at the canvas code in the demo/ex_canvas.erl
>> module. Code like this is horrible and I can imagine it to be a
>> rather straightford mapping of the equivalent code in C++.
>> When programming Erlang what I absolutely don't want to do
>> is "pretend I'm writing in C++" then painfully translate this into Erlang.
> Yes. This complaint was my exact motivation for starting on zxWidgets.
> Unfortunately the project that was paying for that party got put on hold
> for a bit, but will probably be revived later.
> I *really* want to provide a functional style lib over the 2D and 3D
> canvass parts!
> -Craig
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