[erlang-questions] Erlang in education --- back from the dead

Lloyd R. Prentice lloyd@REDACTED
Thu Mar 17 03:48:53 CET 2016


A year or so ago there was on this list a wonderful spirited discussion of how to get kids and educators interested in Erlang.

We have now low-cost low-power 64-bit hardware platforms that open boundless opportunities:



So, I'm wondering if the Erlang community, particularly our corporate members, would be interested in mounting a programming challenge to students of all ages to develop innovative applications on one or another of these platforms? All entries would be released as open-source. Incentives might range from hardware to cash to internships to jobs. I, in my Writers Glen incarnation, would be willing to seed the program with $500 and devote some time if we can secure enough interest and resources to mount a credible program.

Or, short of such a grandiose scheme, I'm wondering if there are folks in the community interested in cooperating off-list in exploring and publishing on-line or in print under Creative Commons license how-tos and tutorials designed to inspire kids and push these platforms to their limits.

Best wishes,


Sent from my iPad

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